high treason | n /derhaka, penderhakaan/ besar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conspiracy | n 1. act of conspiring, pengkomplotan, berkomplot: ~ against the state is treason, berkomplot menentang negara ialah satu penderhakaan; 2. plot, komplot, persubahatan, pakatan sulit: the ~ to murder Caesar, komplot utk membunuh Caesar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approach | vt 1. come nearer,a. (in space) menghampiri, mendekati, merapati: we are now ~ing the House of Parliament, sekarang kita menghampiri bangunan Parlimen; as the train ~ed the station, the crowd surged forward, ketika kereta api menghampiri stesen, orang ramai berasak-asak ke hadapan; b. (in time) hampir (mencapai), mendekati: he is ~ing sixty, usianya hampir enam puluh tahun; 2. come nearer (in quality, character etc) a. (to a stage in life) hampir, hampir mencapai, mendekati; (to old age, senility) hampir: a boy ~ing adolescence, budak lelaki yg hampir mencapai usia remaja; b. (to a certain state, level), [various translations]: the building is ~ing completion, bangunan itu hampir siap; words that ~ treason, kata-kata yg hampir-hampir merupakan penderhakaan; c. (to so’s level of achievement, ability, etc) menandingi, menyaingi, menyamai: few writers can ~ him as a novelist, hanya beberapa orang saja penulis yg dapat menandinginya sbg novelis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |