heathen | n 1. pagan, (orang) pagan: the natives of the island were ~s and worshipped idols, penduduk-penduduk asli pulau itu ialah orang pagan dan menyembah berhala; 2. (colloq) uncivilized person, orang yg tak beradab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aboriginal | adj 1. indigenous, asli: ~ inhabitants, penduduk-penduduk asli; 2. pertaining to aborigines, orang asli: ~ art, kesenian orang asli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indigenous | adj native, asli; (used with “to”) approp n + asli: the ~ inhabitants, penduduk asli; the panda is ~ to China, beruang panda ialah binatang asli negeri China; ~ language, bahasa pribumi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grip | 2. style, manner of grasping st, cara memegang: the tennis coach demonstrated the correct ~ to the group, jurulatih tenis menunjukkan cara memegang yg betul kpd kumpulan itu; 3. control, kawalan: he hasn’t got a firm ~ on the staff, kawalannya thdp kakitangan tdk ketat; 4. paralyzing power, cengkaman; (of emotion) dicengkam: the natives had been in the ~ of poverty for years, penduduk asli berada dlm cengkaman kemiskinan bertahun-tahun lamanya; since his son’s | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |