adoption | n 1. taking as o’s own, pengambilan anak angkat: ~ is a lengthy process, pengambilan anak angkat melibatkan proses yg memakan masa; 2. accepting and following, pengambilan: the ~ of the new regulation, pengambilan peraturan baru; 3. taking up, pengambilan: the ~ of foreign words, pengambilan kata-kata asing; 4. accepting, penerimaan: the ~ of the minutes was agreed, penerimaan minit mesyuarat itu telah dipersetujui. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arrogation | n 1. act of appropriating, assuming without right, pengambilan, mengambil: an ~ of a role that belongs to the courts, pengambilan suatu peranan yg sebenarnya hak mahkamah; 2. act of attributing unjustly (to another) anggapan /adanya, kononnya ada/ [sst]. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
employment | n 1. giving work to, usu for payment, penggajian, pengambilan [sso] utk bekerja, guna tenaga: the ~ of children in factories is forbidden, pengambilan kanak-kanak utk bekerja di kilang adalah dilarang; 2. occupation, pekerjaan: to give ~ to so., memberikan pekerjaan kpd sso;be in ~, bekerja; be out of ~, tdk bekerja; 3. making use of, penggunaan: the ~ of modern irrigation methods has increased production, penggunaan kaedah-kaedah pengairan moden telah menambah pengeluaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appropriation | n 1. act of, a. (taking esp without permission) pengambilan, mengambil: the ~ of monastic lands continued, pengambilan tanah biara berterusan; b. (putting aside, assigning) penguntukan: the committee agreed on the ~ of $50,000 for the project, jawatankuasa itu bersetuju dgn penguntukan sebanyak $50,000 bagi projek itu; 2. money set aside, peruntukan: to make an ~ for a new highway, membuat peruntukan bagi sebuah lebuh raya yg baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embarkation | n 1. act of going on board, menaiki /kapal, kapal terbang/; 2. act of taking on board, pengambilan dgn /kapal, kapal terbang/: the general ordered the ~ of troops to be speeded up, jeneral itu mengarahkan supaya pengambilan askar-askar dgn kapal terbang dipercepat; ~ leave, cuti belayar; date of ~, tarikh /berlepas, bertolak/; port of ~, tempat /berlepas, bertolak/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affiliation | n 1. act of, a. (combining) penggabungan; b. (adopting) pengambilan sbg anggota gabungan; c. (attaching, connecting) penggabungan; 2. see AFFILIATE (sense 1.); 3. connection esp in politics, hubungan: political ~s, hubungan politik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collection | n 1. act of, a. (calling for, receiving rent, taxes, etc) pemungutan; b. (fetching) pengambilan, mengambil: the ~ of mail is at 8 a.m., mel diambil pd pukul 8 pagi; 2. st collected, koleksi: he has a fine ~ of paintings, dia mempunyai koleksi lukisan yg baik; his ~ of butterflies, koleksi kupu-kupunya; the spring ~ for this year, koleksi musim bunga utk tahun ini; 3. anthology, kumpulan: a ~ of short stories, kumpulan cerpen; 4. money collected at meeting etc, (jumlah) pungutan; 5. st that has collected together, terkumpul, himpunan: the ~ of soot in the chimney, jelaga yg terkumpul dlm serombong; a ~ of rubbish, himpunan sampah-sarap; 6. time postman empties post box, waktu mengambil surat: when is the next ~?, bilakah waktu mengambil surat selepas ini?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
engagement | n 1. betrothal, pertunangan: he has broken off his ~ to Susan, dia telah memutuskan pertunangannya dgn Susan; 2. ( fml ), ( arrangement to meet so. ) janji temu; (arrangment to do st ) urusan: I was unable to come because I had a previous ~, saya tdk dapat datang krn saya ada janji temu yg dibuat sebelum ini; she has many ~s this week, dia ada banyak urusan minggu ini; 3. booking, pertunjukan: this will be her last concert ~, ini akan merupakan pertunjukan konsertnya yg terakhir; 4. battle, pertempuran: 5. act of employing, pengambilan: the ~ of two new technical assistants, pengambilan dua orang pembantu teknik baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intake | 2. persons taken in, (students) pelajar, penuntut; (soldier) rekrut; (trainee) pelatih; (worker) pekerja: the new ~ will be addressed by the C.O., rekrut baru itu akan diberi taklimat oleh Pegawai Pemerintah; 3. act of taking in, pengambilan; 4. opening through which air, gas, etc enters a tube, pipe, tempat masuk: air ~s, tempat masuk udara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
illegitimacy | n 1. state of being born out of wedlock, anak /luar nikah, haram/; (leg.) anak tak sah taraf: the boy’s ~ was ept secret from him, hakikat bahawa dia anak luar nikah dirahsiakan daripadanya; 2. illegality, tdk sah: the ~ of the taker-over, pengambilan uasa yg tdk sah; 3. illogicality, ketidakmunasabahan, tdk /masuk akal, munasabahnya: given the evidence, the ~ of his conclusions was startling, dgn adanya keterangan itu, tidak munasabahnya kesimpulan beliau sangat mengejutkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |