dole | n (UK), (colloq) relief payment to unemployed, elaun pengangguran; be on the ~, menerima elaun pengangguran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escalation | n menjadi + approp adj: the ~ of the level of unemployment, tahap pengangguran yg menjadi bertambah buruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hard | ~ luck, (colloq) nasib tak baik; ~ luck story, kisah malang; a ~ nut to crack, /orang, sst/ yg sukar + approp v: the problem of unemployment is a ~ nut to crack, masalah pengangguran ialah sst yg sukar diatasi; my mother-in-law is a ~ nut to crack, ibu mertua saya ialah orang yg sukar dipujuk; the ~ way, a. the least convenient method etc, dgn cara yg /susah, sukar/: even though there are so many electrical gadgets in the house she prefers to do things the ~ way, walaupun terdapat banyak alat elektrik di rumah, dia lebih suka bekerja dgn cara yg sukar; b. by going through bitter experience, setelah melalui pengalaman pahit: she rose to her present position the ~ way, dia naik ke kedudukannya sekarang setelah melalui pengalaman pahit; take a ~ look at st, examine st closely, mengkaji sst secara mendalam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
benefit | n 1. advantage, good, faedah, manfaat: this is of great ~ to me, ini mendatangkan faedah yg besar kpd saya; education brings many ~s, pelajaran mendatangkan manfaat yg banyak; 2. (payment, allowance) faedah: unemployment ~, faedah pengangguran; medical ~, faedah perubatan; 3. (attrib) for charity, amal, kebajikan: a ~ concert, konsert amal; for the ~ of, a. for fulfilling the needs of, utk keperluan; b. for safeguarding the interests of, utk kepentingan; c. for the advantage, good of, utk /faedah, manfaat/; give so. the ~ of the doubt, percaya akan kata-kata sso sungguhpun berasa sangsi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
increase | n pertambahan, bertambahnya; (in wages, price, etc) kenaikan: the ~ in population is responsible for the housing shortage, pertambahan penduduk menyebabkan masalah ekurangan tempat tinggal; sales show an ~ of 10%, jualan menunjukkan pertambahan sebanyak 10%; wage ~, kenaikan gaji; an ~ in land values, kenaikan nilai tanah; on the ~, /semakin, ian/ /meningkat, bertambah/: unemployment is on the ~, pengangguran semakin meningkat; crime is on the ~, jenayah semakin bertambah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chronic | adj 1. (of illness, disease, ill health) kronik, teruk: ~ cough, batuk yg kronik; 2. (ref to person or his bad habits or behaviour) kronik: a ~ invalid, pesakit yg kronik; a ~ alcoholic, peminum yg kronik; 3. (of situation, problem, etc) kronik, teruk: ~ unemployment problem, masalah pengangguran yg teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
highlight | vt 1. mark with coloured pen, menanda(i) dgn pen penyerlah: the whole paragraph was ~ed, seluruh perenggan itu ditandai dgn pen penyerlah; 2. (in make-up, hair-styling) menyerlahkan: luminous eye-shadow to ~ the eyes, pembayang mata yg berkilau-kilau utk menyerlahkan mata; 3. emphasize, menekankan, menonjolkan: this article ~s the problem of unemployment, makalah ini menekankan masalah pengangguran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
derivative | adj 1. (ling) terbitan; 2. (leg.) terbitan: ~ title, hak milik terbitan; 3. (chem & math) terbitan; 4. lacking originality, tdk asli: he was so much influenced by his contemporaries that all his works seem ~, krn dia terlalu dipengaruhi oleh rakan sezamannya semua karyanya seolah-olah tdk asli; 5. econdary, derivatif: measures to relieve unemployment that will have ~ benefits for the community, langkah-langkah utk mengurangkan pengangguran yg akan memberikan faedah derivatif utk komuniti; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | 10. towards the south, [not translated]: he’s flying ~ to Kuala Lumpur from Penang, dia terbang ke Kuala Lumpur dr Pulau Pinang; ~ south, di selatan; 11. be short of specif amount, kekurangan: at closing time, the cashier found that he was $50 ~, apabila tiba waktu pulang, juruwang itu mendapati bahawa dia kekurangan $50; 12. become lower in price etc, jatuh: sugar is ~ this week, harga gula jatuh minggu ini; unemployment is ~ by 10%, kadar pengangguran sudah jatuh sebanyak 10%; 13. to and including all intermediate positions, hingga ke pekerja bawahan: from the Chief Executive ~, dr Ketua Eksekutif hingga ke pekerja bawahan; 14. behind o’s opponent, ketinggalan: ~ by two sets, ketinggalan dua set; 15. (as imper) get down, turun: ~ Spot!, turun Spot!; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
black | 7. (of coffee) tanpa susu: I’ll have my coffee ~, saya mahu kopi tanpa susu; ~ coffee, kopi /O, kosong, tanpa susu/; 8. gloomy, a. (of outlook, future) gelap: the future looks ~, masa depan kelihatan gelap; b. (of mood, day, etc) muram: it’s a ~ day for them, hari itu hari yg muram bagi mereka; 9. marked by misfortune, desolation, ruin, hitam: ~ areas of unemployment, kawasan hitam pengangguran; 10. resentful, hostile, marah: give so. ~ looks, memandang sso dgn marah; 11. wicked, hateful, jahat, keji: a ~ deed, perbuatan jahat; a ~ heart, hati jahat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |