distributor | n 1. (econ) pengedar, pengagih: sole ~, pengedar tunggal; 2. (in internal combustion engine) pengagih. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
firm1 | do we have a ~ date for the president’s arrival?, sudahkah ada tarikh yg muktamad bagi ketibaan presiden itu?; she has very ~ views on sex before marriage, dia mempunyai pendirian yg tegas ttg hubungan seks sebelum berkahwin; there is no ~ evidence that the inhabitants spoke Latin, tdk ada bukti yg kukuh bahawa penduduknya berbahasa Latin; 6. (econ) steady, teguh, kukuh: the mark remains ~ against the yen, mata wang mark kukuh dibandingkan dgn yen; 7. resolute, decisive, tegas: you have to be ~ with that boy, he’s a troublemaker, kamu mesti tegas dgn budak itu, dia suka membuat kacau; the government is to take, ~ measures against drug pushers, kerajaan hendaklah mengambil langkah tegas thdp pengedar-pengedar dadah; “Don’t!” he said in a ~ voice, “Jangan!” katanya dlm nada yg tegas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bootlegger | n pembuat dan pengedar arak haram. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crack | ~ down on, bertindak keras thdp: the government will ~ down on drug traffickers, kerajaan akan bertindak keras thdp pengedar dadah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |