extraction | n 1. act of, a. (pulling out by force) pencabutan: the ~ of a tooth, was unavoidable pencabutan gigi tdk dapat dielakkan; b. (obtaining by pressing, distilling, etc) pengekstrakan: the ~ of protein from soya bean, pengekstrakan protein drpd kacang soya; c. (eliciting information, promise, confession, etc), (perbuatan) mendapatkan; 2. instance of extracting a tooth, dicabut: over the last year she has had four ~s, dlm masa setahun ini empat drpd giginya terpaksa dicabut; 3. (fml) origin, descent, (ber)keturunan: an American of German, orang Amerika keturunan Jerman or yg berketurunan Jerman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |