harbour, (US) harbor | n 1. pelabuhan; 2. (fig.) tempat /berlindung, perlindungan/: a ~ for refugees, tempat berlindung orang pelarian; the inn was a ~ for tired travellers, rumah penginapan itu menjadi tempat berlindung pengembara-pengembara yg kepenatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beset | vt1. harass, trouble, melanda: doubts and fears that ~ him, kesangsian dan kebimbangan yg melandanya; a plan ~ with difficulties, rancangan yg dilanda kesulitan; 2. attack from all sides, menyerang [sst] dr segenap penjuru: enemy troops ~ the fort, tentera musuh menyerang kubu itu dr segenap penjuru; the travellers were suddenly ~ by robbers, pengembara-pengembara itu tiba-tiba diserang perompak dr segenap penjuru; ~ st with, (archaic) stud st (esp with jewels), (act.) menatah sst dgn; (pass.) [sst] bertatahkan: a crown ~ with jewels, mahkota yg bertatahkan permata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hiker | n pengembara berjalan kaki. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hitch-hiker | n pengembara tumpang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adventurer | n 1. person who seeks adventures, pengembara, petualang; 2. mercenary, /pejuang, askar/ upahan; 3. person who lives by his wits, petualang: do not trust your money to that ~, janganlah amanahkan wang kamu kpd si petualang itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
benighted | adj 1. overtaken by night, kemalaman: a ~ traveller, pengembara yg kemalaman; 2. not culturally, intellectually enlightened, masih dlm /kejahilan, kegelapan/: the ~ inhabitants of the islands, penduduk pulau itu yg masih dlm kejahilan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drink | ~ deep of, (me)minum [sst] dgn banyaknya: the traveller drank deep of the water given to him, pengembara itu minum air yg diberikan kepadanya dgn banyaknya; ~ so’s health, minum ucap selamat mendoakan sso sihat; ~ os stupid, (colloq) minum (arak) hingga menjadi bodoh; what are you ~ing, kamu (hendak) minum apa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cup | vt 1. curve into shape of cup a. (to catch or receive st) menadahkan: the child ~ped her hands and waited for me to throw the ball, kanak-kanak itu menadahkan tangannya dan menunggu saya membaling bola; b. (to scoop st) merangkup: he ~ped his hands to scoop up the rice grains, dia merangkup tangannya utk mengambil beras itu; c. (so as to touch all around) memegang (keliling): he ~ped his hands around the glass of beer, kedua-dua belah tangannya memegang keliling gelas bir itu; 2. put hands round a. (chin) menopang; b. (sand, grains, water, etc) meraup: the thirsty traveller ~ped water from the stream, pengembara yg dahaga itu meraup air di sungai; c. (ears) menekup; 3. (archaic) vdraw blood by means of cupping glass, membekam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |