hanging | n 1. punishment by execution on the gallows, hukuman gantung: ~ was abolished at the turn of the century, hukuman gantung dihapuskan di penghujung abad itu; 2. act of hanging so., penggantungan: a public ~, penggantungan di khalayak ramai; 3. (usu in pl) cloth, drapery, etc hung on the wall, approp n + dinding: expensive ~s from India, hamparan dinding yg mahal dr India. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
doldrums | n (geog) doldrum: equatorial ~, doldrum khatulistiwa; in the ~, a. in low spirits, dlm keadaan /murung, sugul/, dlm /kemurungan, kesugulan/: he has been in the ~ ever since the tragedy befell the family, dia dlm keadaan murung sejak tragedi itu menimpa keluarganya; b. in a state of inactivity, dlm keadaan /lembap, suram, malap/: the film industry was in the ~ in the late sixties, industri perfileman dlm keadaan malap pd penghujung tahun enam puluhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |