accumulation | n 1. amassing, a. (of wealth, fortune, works of art, etc) pengumpulan, penghimpunan: the ~ of a representative collection of the artist’s work, pengumpulan contoh-contoh karya pelukis itu; b. (of knowledge, experience) penampungan, pengumpulan; c. (of debts) terhimpunnya; 2. collecting, gathering, pengumpulan: the ~ of examples of errors in the use of language, pengumpulan contoh-contoh penyalahgunaan bahasa; 3. growing into a heap or large amount, bertimbunnya: the steady ~ of silt at the river mouth, bertimbunnya kelodak secara berterusan di muara sungai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gathering | n 1. act of gathering, a. (gen) pengumpulan, mengumpulkan: the ~ of data is time-consuming, pengumpulan data memakan masa; b. (fruits, flowers) pemetikan, memetik; c. (crop) penuaian, menuai; 2. assembly of people, perhimpunan: a ~ of more than five people requires a police permit, perhimpunan melebihi lima orang memerlukan permit polis; a political ~, perhimpunan politik; 3. meeting, pertemuan, perjumpaan: a family ~, pertemuan keluarga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agglomeration | n 1. act of agglomerating, a. (gen) pengumpulan; b. (tech) pengaglomeratan; 2. confused mass, a. (gen) kumpulan, kelompok; b. (of ideas, facts, details) bauran, adukan: an ~ of ideas thrown together without regard to style, bauran pelbagai idea yg dicampuradukkan tanpa menghiraukan gaya penulisan; c. (of st piled, heaped up) longgokan, timbunan; 3. cluster, kelompok, kumpulan; (of island, stars) gugusan, kumpulan: a city surrounded by an ~ of suburbs, sebuah kota yg dikelilingi oleh kelompok-kelompok kawasan pinggir bandar; an ~ of sky scrapers, kumpulan bangunan pencakar langit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faddish | adj 1. (of person) suka /meniru-niru, mengikut-ikut/: ~ teenagers, muda-mudi belasan tahun yg suka meniru-niru; 2. (of things) menjadi /tiru-tiruan, ikut-ikutan, fad/: the ~ collection of autographs among schoolchildren,pengumpulan autograf yg menjadi tiru-tiruan di kalangan murid-murid sekolah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accumulation | 4. accumulated mass, a. (of st amassed) terkumpul: an ~ of wealth, kekayaan yg terkumpul; an ~ of knowledge, ilmu pengetahuan yg terkumpul; b. (of st collected) himpunan, terkumpul: an ~ of evidence, bukti-bukti yg terkumpul; an ~ of books, himpunan buku; c. (of st that has collected) terkumpul: the winter’s ~ of snow, salji yg terkumpul pd musim sejuk; an ~ of leaves in the gutter, daun-daun yg terkumpul di dlm talang; d. (of st heaped) timbunan, longgokan; 5. (econ) pengumpulan: ~ of capital, pengumpulan modal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assemblage | n 1. collection, assembly, kumpulan: an extraordinary ~ of personages, kumpulan luar biasa orang-orang terkemuka; an ~ of species of the same genus, kumpulan spesies yg sama genusnya; 2. act of, a. (bringing together) pengumpulan, penghimpunan; b. (fitting together parts of) pemasangan; 3. (art) assemblage. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |