announcement | n 1. act of, a. (proclaiming) pengumuman; b. (making known the arrival of) pengumuman ttg ketibaan; c. (making known the approach of) pengumuman (bahawa) [sst] sudah sedia; 2. public notification, pengumuman: to make an ~, membuat pengumuman; 3. brief item, advertisement (in newspaper etc) pengumuman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
banns | n /pengumuman, pemberitahuan/ perkahwinan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bulletin | n 1. official statement of news, pengumuman khas, buletin; 2. short programme of news items on radio or television, berita ringkas, buletin; 3. periodical publication of institution, association, etc, buletin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
counterblast | n reaksi agresif: the announcement drew a ~ from union leaders, pengumuman itu mendapat reaksi agresif dr ketua-ketua kesatuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
declaration | n 1. act, a. (of proclaiming) pengisytiharan: the ~ of war on neighbouring states, pengisytiharan perang ke atas negara-negara jiran; b. (of announcing) pengisytiharan, pengumuman: the company made a ~ of its profits, syarikat itu membuat pengumuman ttg keuntungannya; c. (of stating emphatically) penegasan: in spite of her ~ that all will be well..., walaupun dia telah membuat penegasan bahawa semuanya akan berjalan dgn lancar...; 2. (of taxable property, goods) pengakuan: custom’s ~, pengakuan kastam; 3. something declared, perisytiharan: the D~ of Rights, Perisytiharan Hak; 4. (leg.) akuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
knell | n 1. bunyi loceng; 2. (fig.) petanda kemusnahan: the announcement sounded the ~ of his hopes, pengumuman itu merupakan petanda kpd kemusnahan segala harapannya vi berbunyi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
general | adj 1. involving the whole rather than a part, menyeluruh: ~ decay, kerosakan yg menyeluruh; the announcement caused ~ uproar, pengumuman itu menyebabkan berlakunya kegemparan yg menyeluruh; 2. common, widespread, umum, ramai: matters of ~ interest, soal-soal kepentingan umum; the new TV programme has become a ~ favourite, rancangan baru TV itu telah menjadi kegemaran umum; the ~ opinion is that he is guilty, pd pendapat umum dia bersalah; 3. comprehensive, not restricted, am, umum: schemes to improve the ~ welfare of the farmers, rancangan-rancangan utk meningkatkan kebajikan am para petani; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excuse | n 1. reason or explanation given in defence of o’s conduct, alasan: his ~ was that he has not heard the announcement, alasannya ialah, dia tdk mendengar pengumuman itu; she kept finding ~s not to do the work, dia asyik mencari alasan utk tdk membuat kerja itu; there is no ~ for his rudeness, tiada alasan mengapa dia harus berlaku biadab; 2. reason, sebab: she throws a party whenever she can find the slightest ~, apabila ada sahaja sebab dia akan mengadakan majlis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
elaborate | vi explain in detail, memberikan /huraian, keterangan, butir-butir/ yg lebih lanjut, menghuraikan sst dgn lebih lanjut: the Prime Minister made the announcement, but did not ~, Perdana Menteri membuat pengumuman tersebut tetapi tdk memberikan butir-butir yg lebih lanjut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advertisement | n 1. public notice, iklan: to put an ~ in the paper, membubuh iklan dlm surat khabar; ~ charges, bayaran iklan; 2. announcement, pengumuman, mengumumkan: news of the scientific discovery received worldwide ~, berita penemuan saintifik itu diumumkan di seluruh dunia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |