fund-raising | n usaha utk menubuhkan tabung; (attrib) penubuhan tabung: a ~ concert, konsert penubuhan tabung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
establishment | n 1. act of, a. (founding) penubuhan, mendirikan; (business) penubuhan: since its ~, the organization has done much to improve the living conditions of these hill tribes, sejak penubuhannya, pertubuhan ini telah banyak berusaha utk memperbaiki keadaan kehidupan suku kaum bukit ini; b.(bringing about, creating) pewujudan, mewujudkan: the ~ of a just, ordered society, pewujudan masyarakat yg adil dan teratur; 2. (business organization) syarikat; (institution) institusi; (shop) kedai: a well-known financial ~ in the city, syarikat kewangan yg terkemuka di bandar raya ini; he works for a research ~, dia bekerja di sebuah institusi penyelidikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
certificate of incorporation | n sijil penubuhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foundation | n 1. act of establishing, penubuhan: since its ~, the university has produced many fine scholars, sejak penubuhannya, universiti itu telah melahirkan sarjana-sarjana yg handal; 2. organization, institution, etc set up by means of an endowment, yayasan; 3. endowment fund, yayasan; 4. (usu in pl) substructure of building etc, asas; 5. basis, asas: the story is completely without ~, cerita itu sama sekali tdk berasas; her journalistic work laid the ~ of her career in public relations, tugas kewartawanannya menyediakan asas utk kerjayanya dlm perhubungan awam; 6. also foundation cream, krim asas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
constitution | n 1. act of setting up, penubuhan; (law, regulation) pembentukan: before the ~ of civil laws, sebelum pembentukan undang-undang sivil; 2. mode in which st is made up, susunan: the ~ of village society, susunan masyarakat desa; 3. body of fundamental principles, laws, governing nation, organization, perlembagaan; 4. (often C~) statute embodying this, perlembagaan; 5. physical make-up, resam tubuh: he has a robust ~, resam tubuhnya kuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inception | n (fml) permulaan, mulanya, dimulakan; (of organization, institution, etc) penubuhan: the enterprise has been a failure since its ~, perusahaan itu gagal dr mulanya; he joined the party at its ~ in 1936, dia menjadi ahli parti itu sejak penubuhannya pd tahun 1936. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appointment | n 1. act of selecting for a position etc, pelantikan; (committee, task force, etc) penubuhan: a monarch who seldom exercised his right of ~, raja yg jarang-jarang menggunakan kuasa pelantikannya; by ~, a. (by royal warrant) pelantikan dgn watikah; b. (leg.) pelantikan: power of ~, kuasa pelantikan; 2. arrangement to meet so., janji temu: to keep an ~, menepati janji temu; to break an ~, memungkiri janji temu; 3. position, office assigned, jawatan (lantikan); 4. (usu in pl) fitting, furnishing, perlengkapan: the new liner’s ~s are the talk of the town, perlengkapan kapal baru itu menjadi bahan percakapan orang di bandar itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
formation | n 1. act of, a. (being formed) terbentuknya: the ~ of clouds, terbentuknya awan; b. (establishing) penubuhan, pembentukan: he was responsible for the ~ of the union, dia bertanggungjawab thdp pembentukan kesatuan itu; c. (developing) pembentukan: discipline is important in the ~ of character, disiplin adalah penting dlm pembentukan watak; 2. thing formed, bentukan: a new word ~, bentukan kata baru; clouds are ~s of condensed water vapour, awan ialah bentukan wap air yg terpeluwap; 3. (mil) formasi: the ships were in battle ~, kapal-kapal itu berada dlm formasi pertempuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creation | n 1. act of, a. (bringing into existence) penciptaan: the ~ of heaven and earth, penciptaan langit dan bumi; the ~ of a great picture, penciptaan sebuah lukisan yg unggul; b. (setting up, bringing forth) pewujudan, mewujudkan; (department, organization, etc) penubuhan, pewujudan: they decided on the ~ of three new posts, mereka memutuskan utk mewujudkan tiga jawatan baru; c. (causing, bringing about) menimbulkan; d. (investing with rank) pelantikan; 2. result of creative process, ciptaan: the latest ~s from Tokyo, ciptaan terbaru dr Tokyo; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |