slosh | 2. pour (liquid) carelessly, menyimbah, mencurah: he ~ed a bucketful of water over the garage floor, dia menyimbah sebaldi penuh air ke atas lantai garaj itu; 3. (sl) hit, menghentam: the boy ~ed him on the nose, budak itu menghentamnya di hidung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
waterlogged | 2. filled with water and barely able to float, penuh berisi air: they managed to get the ~ boat to shore, mereka dapat membawa perahu yg penuh berisi air itu ke pantai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choke | 3. make unbreathable, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] penuh; (pass.) penuh: air ~d with dust, udara yg penuh dgn habuk; 4. also ~ up, block up, a. (act.), /membuat, menyebabkan/ [sst] tersumbat: leaves ~d up the drain, daun-daun menyebabkan parit tersumbat: b. (pass.) tersumbat; 5. also ~ up, (often pass.) infest with, semak dgn: the garden was ~d up with weeds, taman itu semak dgn rumpai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | vi become full, menjadi penuh: the hall ~ed immediately the doors were opened, dewan itu menjadi penuh sebaik sahaja pintu dibuka;the tank slowly ~ed with water, tangki itu perlahan-lahan menjadi penuh dgn air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
water-weed | n rumpai air: the lake is full of ~, tasik itu penuh dgn rumpai air. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filled | adj penuh (dgn): a smoke ~ room, bilik yg penuh asap; tear ~ eyes, mata yg bergenang (air mata). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overflow | vi 1. spill over, melimpah: he kept on pouring until the glass ~ed, dia terus menuang air ke dlm gelas sehingga melimpah; 2. (of people) spread beyond the limits, melimpah: the crowd ~ed onto the road, orang ramai melimpah hingga ke jalan; 3. (be full of people) penuh sesak; (be full of things) penuh padat: the hall was ~ing with people, dewan itu penuh sesak dgn orang ramai; a dustbin ~ing with the previous day’s rubbish, tong sampah yg penuh padat dgn sampah; 4. (of person, person’s heart) brim over, penuh: my heart was ~ing with joy, hati saya penuh keriangan; a mother ~ing with love, ibu yg penuh dgn kasih sayang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
purposeful | adj resolute, determined, penuh azam, tekad: he was a ~ man, who couldn’t easily be distracted, dia orang yg tekad dan tdk mudah dialihkan perhatiannya; he strode into the room with a ~ air, dia berjalan masuk ke dlm bilik itu dgn gaya yg penuh azam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
air | 4. breeze, angin, bayu; 5. personal bearing, manner, gaya, lagak: with an ~ of importance, dgn gaya orang penting; with a lofty ~, dgn lagak sombong; 6. confident bearing, gaya /amat yakin, penuh keyakinan/: she stood, then spoke with an ~ of confidence, dia bangun lalu berucap dgn gaya penuh keyakinan; 7. outward appearance, aura, suasana: an ~ of opulence, suasana kemewahan; 8. (mus) air; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
jugful | n jag (penuh): three ~s of coconut water, tiga jag air kelapa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |