eagerly | adv 1. enthusiastically, dgn penuh minat: a celebration in which the people ~ took part, perayaan yg disertai oleh orang ramai dgn penuh minat; 2. impatiently, tdk sabar-sabar (lagi): the spectators ~ waited for the match to begin, para penonton tdk sabar-sabar lagi menunggu perlawanan itu dimulakan; 3. readily, dgn tdk teragak-agak lagi: he ~ accepted the offer, dgn tdk teragak-agak lagi dia menerima tawaran itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eye | ~s /front, left, right/, (as interj) pandang /hadapan, kiri, kanan/; be all ~s, (colloq), /memandang, melihat/ dgn penuh minat: the children were all ~s when the clown appeared, kanak-kanak memandang dgn penuh minat apabila pelawak itu muncul; an ~ for an ~, hutang darah dibayar darah; /before, in front of, under/ so’s ~s, di hadapan mata sso: her husband was hacked to death before her very ~s, suaminya ditetak hingga mati betul-betul di hadapan matanya; cannot take o’s ~s off, tdk dapat /mengalihkan, melepaskan/ pandangan sso dr: he just couldn’t take his ~s off the brunette, dia tdk dapat mengalihkan pandanganya dr wanita yg berambut perang itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
issue | /cloud, confuse/ the ~, mengelirukan /isu, persoalan/; /evade, duck/ the ~, mengelak drpd sst /isu, persoalan/; 2. result, consequence, hasil + approp n: we await the ~ with interest, kami menunggu hasil perbincangan itu dgn penuh minat; 3. st put forth, produced, supplied, (of newspaper, magazine, etc) terbitan; (of stamp) keluaran; (of shares, bonds, etc) terbitan; (of uniform, firearms, etc) bekalan: he has a copy of the first ~ of the paper, dia mempunyai senaskhah terbitan pertama akhbar tersebut; she usually buys samples of each new stamp ~, dia selalunya membeli contoh setiap setem keluaran baru; new share ~s, terbitan saham baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interested | adj 1. having interest, keen, berminat: we wanted to show him our stamp collection but he was not ~ to see it, kami hendak menunjukkan kepadanya koleksi setem kami tetapi dia tdk berminat utk melihatnya; my brother wants to sell his car. Are you ~?, abang saya hendak menjual keretanya. Kamu berminat?; 2. (of look etc) showing interest, (dgn) penuh minat: she gave him an ~ look, dia memandang lelaki itu dgn penuh minat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intent | adj 1. fixed, tajam: an ~ gaze, renungan tajam; 2. absorbed, engrossed, asyik, khusyuk; (of face) kelihatan penuh khusyuk: the students were all ~ on their work, penuntut-penuntut itu semuanya asyik dgn kerja masing-masing; her heart melted as she looked down at their ~ little faces, hatinya luluh apabila direnungnya muka-muka kecil yg kelihatan penuh khusyuk itu; 3. exhibiting eager attention, kelihatan penuh minat: there was an ~ look on his face as he watched the scoreboard, wajahnya kelihatan penuh minat semasa dia memperhatikan papan mata itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interest | n 1. desire to want to know, learn about st, minat: she takes little ~ in the business, dia tdk menunjukkan minat thdp perniagaan itu; the boy examined the machine with great ~, budak itu membelek-belek mesin tersebut dgn penuh minat; the competition has excited world-wide ~, pertandingan itu telah membangkitkan minat seluruh dunia; he has completely lost ~ in the subject, dia sudah hilang minat dlm perkara itu; the book did not hold my ~, buku itu tdk menguasai minat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eager | adj 1. enthusiastic, /amat, sangat, sungguh/ berminat: an ~ student of foreign languages, pelajar yg sangat berminat mempelajari bahasa-bahasa asing; 2. impatiently desirous, ingin /sekali, benar/, sangat ingin, berhasrat benar: the team is ~ to win, pasukan itu ingin sekali hendak menang; ~ for success, ingin sekali mencapai kejayaan; 3. (of eyes, glance) penuh /minat, hasrat/: she pretended not to notice the man’s ~ glance, dia berpura-pura tdk melihat kerlingan penuh hasrat lelaki itu; his ~ eyes devoured the food on the table, matanya yg penuh hasrat itu seolah-seolah menelan makanan yg terhidang di meja; 4. (of embrace) penuh rindu dendam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fizzle | ~ out, (colloq), [various translations]: the play was exciting in the beginning but eventually ~d out, pd mulanya drama itu menyeronokkan tetapi makin lama makin hambar; interest in the new car soon ~d out, minat pd kereta baru itu tdk lama kemudian hilang begitu sahaja; their relationship which started passionately ~d out once the novelty wore off, hubungan mereka yg pd mulanya penuh berahi lama kelamaan mati apabila kemanisannya hilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |