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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata penunjuk 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

ejectvt 1. drive or force out, mengusir, menghalau: the police ~ed the demonstrators from the assembly, polis mengusir penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan dr perhimpunan itu; they were ~ed because they had no tickets, mereka diusir krn mereka tdk ada tiket; 2. dismiss from office, memecat: he was ~ed as chairman, dia dipecat dr jawatan pengerusi; 3. emit, memancutkan: the volcano ~ed molten lava and ash, gunung berapi itu memancutkan lava leburan dan abu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indicatorn 1. (lit. & fig.) penunjuk: the ~ showed that he had forgotten to put on his seat belt, penunjuk itu menandakan bahawa dia terlupa memasang tali pinggang keledarnya; the sudden increase in foreign investment is an ~ that the economy is picking up, pertambahan pelaburan asing yg mendadak merupakan penunjuk bahawa ekonomi beransur pulih; 2. light on car which indicates which way it is turning, lampu penunjuk: the left ~ is broken, lampu penunjuk kiri sudah pecah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
goadvt 1. urge on with a goad, menggiring, menghalau: they ~ed the cattle into the pen, mereka menghalau lembu ke dlm kandang; 2. (provoke) mengapi-apikan; (annoy) memanaskan [hati sso]; (spur, urge) merangsang: the demonstrators were trying to ~ the soldiers into reacting to their taunts, penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan itu mencuba mengapi-apikan askar-askar itu supaya bertindak balas thdp ejekan mereka; their disregard of discipline ~ed the sports teacher into fury, sikap mereka yg tdk mempedulikan disiplin itu memanaskan hati guru sukan sehingga berang; his attempts to ~ his lazy friend into action had proved to be futile, usahanya utk merangsang kawannya yg pemalas itu supaya bertindak sia-sia saja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
demonstratorn 1. person taking part in public demonstration, penunjuk perasaan; 2. instructor, penunjuk cara.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
handlevt 1. touch, feel with the hands, memegang: you must ~ the glass ornaments with care, kamu mesti memegang perhiasan kaca itu dgn cermat; 2. operate with the hands, menggunakan: the recruits were taught how to ~ guns properly, rekrut-rekrut itu diajar bagaimana hendak menggunakan senapang dgn betul; 3. package, transport, etc, mengendalikan: timber is a difficult item to ~, kayu balak ialah bahan yg sukar utk dikendalikan; 4. treat, memperlakukan: the demonstrators were roughly ~d by the police, penunjuk-penunjuk perasaan itu telah diperlakukan dgn kasar oleh polis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indictmentn 1. official charge against a person, indikmen; 2. act, process of indicting, pendakwaan; 3. st that shows how bad st else is, penunjuk keburukan: it is an ~ of our society and its values that vice and corruption are on the increase, maksiat dan rasuah yg semakin meningkat merupakan penunjuk keburukan masyarakat dan nilai-nilai kita.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
demonstrativeadj 1. serving to demonstrate, menunjukkan, menggambarkan: this is ~ of his attitude, ini menunjukkan sikapnya; 2. given to outward expression (esp of love), /mudah, suka/ menunjukkan kasih sayang: children are more ~ than adults, kanak-kanak lebih mudah menunjukkan kasih sayang drpd orang dewasa; 3. (gram.) penunjuk: ~ pronoun, kata ganti penunjuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
denotevt 1. indicate, menandakan: a falling barometer ~s an approaching storm, penunjuk barometer yg menurun menandakan ribut akan melanda; 2. be a symbol of, melambangkan: “ x” ~s an unknown quantity, melambangkan kuantiti yg tdk diketahui; 3. mean, bererti, mempunyai makna: “mono” may ~ “one” or “single”, “mono” boleh bererti “satu” atau “tunggal”.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
catchwordn 1. slogan, ungkapan yg dipopularkan; 2. word, phrase so placed (in article, dictionary, etc) so as to draw attention, kata penunjuk.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indexn 1. (alphabetical list at back of book) indeks; 2. (in library science) collection of cards that list titles of books etc, indeks; 3. sign, tanda: the result of the by-election could well be an ~ of the party’s popularity, keputusan pilihan raya kecil mungkin merupakan tanda kepopularan parti itu; 4. indicator (on dial, barometer, etc) jarum (penunjuk); 5. number, ratio, that indicates relative level of prices or wages which can be compared to a former level, indeks: the cost of living ~ rose abruptly, indeks kos sara hidup naik secara mendadak; economic indices, indeks ekonomi; 6. (math) indeks: ~ notation, tatatanda indeks;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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