indignant | adj marah: the ~ students held a protest meeting, penuntut-penuntut yg marah itu mengadakan mesyuarat utk membantah; he was ~ at the way his wife was treated, dia marah krn cara isterinya diperlakukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contribute | vt menyumbangkan: the students ~d $100 to the zoo, penuntut-penuntut menyumbangkan $100 kpd pihak zoo; they ~d clothing to the Red Cross, mereka menyumbangkan pakaian kpd Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah; she ~d many new ideas, dia menyumbangkan beberapa banyak idea baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exhort | vt (fml) urge, menggesa: the teacher ~ed the students to work harder, guru itu menggesa penuntut-penuntut supaya berusaha lebih kuat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
board | ~ out, have meals outside, makan di luar: the students can stay in but they will have to ~ out, penuntut-penuntut itu boleh tinggal di dlm tetapi mereka terpaksa makan di luar; ~ so. out, menyediakan makanan (dan penginapan) sso di luar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lack | n 1. (shortage) kekurangan, kurangnya, kurang; (complete absence) the students showed a ~ of interest in the subject, penuntut-penuntut itu menunjukkan minat yg kurang dlm mata pelajaran tersebut; ~ of oil caused the engine to heat up, enjin itu menjadi panas krn kekurangan minyak; / or, through /~ of, krn /kurang(nya), tdk ada/; no ~ of, banyak; (rel to response, enthusiasm, excitement, etc) sangat: there is no ~ of grazing ground for the animals, terdapat banyak padang ragut utk binatang-binatang itu; there was certainly no ~ of response to the appeal, rayuan itu memang mendapat sambutan yg sangat menggalakkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
express | vt 1. put into words, state, menyatakan; (thoughts, feelings) menyatakan, melahirkan: the students were encouraged to ~ their opinions, penuntut-penuntut itu digalakkan menyatakan pendapat mereka; he found it hard to ~ his gratitude, dia mendapati sukar utk menyatakan rasa terima kasihnya; he ~ed his sympathy for them, dia menyatakan rasa simpatinya kpd mereka; the Prime Minister ~ed his sorrow and regret at the tragic assassination of the much respected statesmen, Perdana Menteri melahirkan rasa sedih dan kesal atas pembunuhan tragik negarawan yg dihormati itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intent | adj 1. fixed, tajam: an ~ gaze, renungan tajam; 2. absorbed, engrossed, asyik, khusyuk; (of face) kelihatan penuh khusyuk: the students were all ~ on their work, penuntut-penuntut itu semuanya asyik dgn kerja masing-masing; her heart melted as she looked down at their ~ little faces, hatinya luluh apabila direnungnya muka-muka kecil yg kelihatan penuh khusyuk itu; 3. exhibiting eager attention, kelihatan penuh minat: there was an ~ look on his face as he watched the scoreboard, wajahnya kelihatan penuh minat semasa dia memperhatikan papan mata itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
average | vt 1. estimate the mean of, mencari purata bagi, memukulratakan: you should ~ your marks and compare them with those of other students, kamu patut mencari purata bagi markah kamu dan membandingkannya dgn markah penuntut-penuntut lain; 2. do, get, produce, etc, an average of, rata-rata: he ~s eight hours sleep a night, rata-rata dia tidur selama 8 jam setiap malam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circumstance | n 1. (usu in pl) fact, condition, etc concerned with an event, person, keadaan: in normal ~s we would have taken disciplinary action against the protesting students, dlm keadaan biasa, kami sudah pasti akan mengambil tindakan tatatertib thdp penuntut-penuntut yg menunjuk perasaan; the government will act as ~s require, pihak kerajaan akan bertindak sesuai dgn keadaan; we were curious to find out about the ~s surrounding his death, kami benar-benar ingin tahu akan keadaan sekitar kematiannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disinterested | adj 1. not influenced by personal feelings, advantage, (of person) berkecuali; (of an act, attitude, behaviour) objektif: a ~ party, pihak yg berkecuali; 2. (colloq) indifferent, uninterested, tdk berminat: the students seemed completely ~ in the subject, penuntut-penuntut nampaknya tdk berminat langsung dlm mata pelajaran itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |