graduation | n 1. act of receiving a university degree or diploma, /mendapat, memperoleh/ /ijazah, diploma/; 2. ceremony at which degrees or diploma are conferred, upacara penyampaian /ijazah, diploma/; 3. mark(s) indic degrees of measurement, senggatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delivery | d. (sending forth ball etc) menghantar; 2. periodical performance of distributing letters etc, serahan: he makes two deliveries daily, dia membuat serahan dua kali sehari; 3. manner of speaking, penyampaian: the content of his lecture was good but his ~ was pathetic, isi syarahannya baik tetapi penyampaiannya mengecewakan; 4. (leg.) handing over, transferring of property, deed, etc, menghantar serah; 5. (sport) manner of sending forth ball etc, hantaran, balingan: a fast ~, hantaran yg pantas; a high ~, hantaran yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
communication | n 1. act of, a. (getting in touch or exchanging ideas, information, etc) perhubungan, komunikasi: the telephone is a means of ~, telefon ialah alat komunikasi; ~ with the rest of the world was difficult during the civil war, perhubungan dgn dunia luar sukar semasa berlakunya perang saudara; be in ~ with, /berhubung, berkomunikasi/ dgn: we are in radio ~ with the underground movement, kami berhubung melalui radio dgn pergerakan bawah tanah; b. (imparting information, ideas, etc) penyampaian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |