filter | n 1. device for holding back solid particles, turas, penuras: oil ~, turas minyak; air ~, turas udara; coffee ~, penuras kopi; 2. device for suppressing light or sound waves, penyaring; 3. (of cigarette, cigar) penapis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
filter | ~ out, a. move slowly out, beransur-ansur keluar; b. become known gradually, beransur-ansur diketahui orang: news of their engagement ~ed out before the announcement, berita pertunangan mereka beransur-ansur diketahui orang sebelum pengumuman dibuat; ~ st out, mengasingkan sst (dgn turas); (light or sound waves) mengasingkan (dgn penyaring): to ~ out the dirt, mengasingkan kotoran dgn turas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |