inarticulate | adj 1. not able to express os clearly, fluently, tdk pandai /bercakap, bertutur/, tdk petah bercakap: he is a good organiser but rather ~, dia seorang penyelenggara yg cekap tetapi tdk petah bercakap; 2. (of speech, language) tdk jelas; 3. incapable of speech esp under stress, tdk dapat berkata-kata: he was quite ~ with anger, dia tdk dapat berkata-kata rn marah; 4. (zool) not jointed, tak artikulat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
combination lock | vt 1. cause to join together, menggabungkan: the play ~s imagination and wit, drama itu menggabungkan imaginasi dan akal; 2. cause to unite for a common purpose, menggabungkan, menyatukan; 3. do two or more activities at the same time, [various translations]: to ~ business with pleasure, menjalankan urusan perniagaan sambil berseronok-seronok; one person ~s the work of driver and office boy, seorang sahaja menjalankan tugas sbg pemandu dan penyelenggara pejabat; 4. (chem) memadukan: to ~ copper and iron, memadukan kuprum dan besi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |