cure-all | n 1. ubat utk semua penyakit; 2. (fig.) penyelesaian: industrilization may not be the ~ for our economic woes, perindustrian bukanlah penyelesaian thdp kesulitan ekonomi kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clinch | vt 1. fix firmly, mematikan: to ~ a nail, mematikan paku; 2. settle conclusively, mencapai penyelesaian; (argument) mengunci: he was able to ~ the deal, dia berjaya mencapai penyelesaian dlm urus niaga itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finalization | n penyelesaian; (fml) pemuktamadan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
arbitrational | adj secara timbang tara: ~ settlements, penyelesaian secara timbang tara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
face-saving | adj utk menjaga maruah: a ~ solution, satu penyelesaian utk menjaga maruah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
accommodation | n 1. adjustment, adaptation, ( to new circumstances etc) penyesuaian: the ~ of the Catholic Church to new ideas, penyesuaian Gereja Katolik dgn idea-idea baru; 2. lodging, (tempat) penginapan: hotel ~, penginapan di hotel; 3. settlement, compromise, penyelesaian: an ~ can be reached by compromise or arbitration, penyelesaian dapat dicapai dgn kompromi atau timbang tara; come to an ~, mencapai /penyelesaian, kompromi/; 4. loan, pinjaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
judicial | adj 1. of, rel to judges, court of justice, etc, kehakiman: ~ powers, kuasa kehakiman; ~ process, proses kehakiman; ~ settlement, penyelesaian kehakiman; ~ system, sistem kehakiman; 2. impartial, tdk berat sebelah: the arbitrator was a man with a ~ mind, penimbang tara itu ialah orang yg tdk berat sebelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | put /our, your, their/ ~s together, sama-sama /berunding, berbincang, bermuafakat/: if we put our ~s together, we can come up with a solution, jika kita sama-sama berunding, kita akan mendapat penyelesaian; a swollen ~, besar kepala; take it into o’s ~, a. (to do st), tiba-tiba tergerak di hati sso: he took it into his ~ to go on a holiday, tiba-tiba tergerak di hatinya utk pergi bercuti; b. (to think st) tiba-tiba terfikir; turn so’s ~, make so. conceited, menyebabkan sso lupa diri; weak in the ~, berotak lembam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dim | adj 1. not bright, (lit. & fig.) malap, kelam, suram: the ~ street lights, cahaya malap lampu jalan; hopes for a peaceful settlement are ~, harapan utk penyelesaian secara aman adalah malap; 2. faint, obscure, (lit. & fig.) samar-samar, kabur, tdk jelas: in the mist I could only just discern the ~ outline of a ship, dlm kabus itu, saya hanya dapat melihat bentuk kapal yg samar-samar; ~ apprehensions, perasaan takut yg samar-samar; the memory of his youth had grown ~, ingatannya ttg masa muda sudah menjadi samar-samar; 3. blurred, clouded, kabur, tdk jelas: eyes ~ with tears, penglihatan yg kabur krn genangan air mata; 4. not clearly heard, perlahan, tdk jelas, sayup(-sayup); 5. stupid, bodoh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grind | ~ on, a. (of speaker) meneruskan /ceramah, syarahan, pidato/ dgn cara yg membosankan; b. (of a procedure etc) berterusan: the legal dispute ground on without any solution in sight, pertikaian undang-undang itu berterusan dgn tiada tanda-tanda penyelesaian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |