clerk of the works | n penyelia kerja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exacting | adj berat tuntutannya: an ~ supervisor, penyelia yg berat tuntutannya; the airline’s ~ safety standards, piawai keselamatan syarikat penerbangan itu yg berat tuntutannya; nursing is an ~ profession, kejururawatan ialah satu profesion yg berat tuntutannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
answerable | adj 1. responsible, bertanggungjawab: I am only ~ to the clerk of works, saya bertanggungjawab hanya kpd penyelia kerja; the management is not ~ for any loss of personal belongings, pihak pengurusan tdk bertanggungjawab thdp kehilangan barang-barang kepunyaan sendiri; 2. capable of being answered, /dapat, boleh/ dijawab. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
justified | adj 1. having valid, good reason, mempunyai /justifikasi, alasan yg kuat/: he was ~ in sacking the supervisor, dia mempunyai alasan yg kuat memecat penyelia itu; 2. (of action) reasonable, valid, patut; 3. adjusted so that the left-hand and right-hand margins are straight, imbang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
downgrade | vt 1. reduce (employee) to lower rank, menurunkan pangkat: he was ~d to assistant supervisor, dia diturunkan pangkat ke penolong penyelia; 2. reduce (job) to lower grade, menurunkan taraf; 3. minimize importance of, mengurangkan kepentingan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fond | 3. indulgent, suka memanjakan (sso): a ~ mother, ibu yg suka memanjakan anaknya; 4. foolishly, naively cherished, [various translations]: the superintendent laughed at my ~ fancies, penyelia itu ketawa mendengar khayalan saya yg bodoh itu; she had a ~ belief that Mr Edwards would re-employ her, dia percaya dgn tulus hati bahawa En. Edwards akan mengambil dia bekerja kembali; it is so’s ~ /hope, wish, etc /, sso sangat /ingin + approp v, berharap/: it was her ~ wish that the two should marry, dia sangat ingin melihat or dia sangat berharap mereka berdua berkahwin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
control | /in, under/ the ~ of, di bawah kuasa: the island is now in the ~ of the military, sekarang pulau itu berada di bawah kuasa tentera; be in ~, berkuasa: a new supervisor is in ~ now, penyelia baru yg berkuasa sekarang; be in ~ of, menguasai: she was in ~ of herself, dia dapat menguasai dirinya; lose ~ of, tdk dapat mengawal: he lost ~ of the car, dia tdk dapat mengawal kereta itu; take ~ of, mengambil alih: he took ~ of his father’s company, dia mengambil alih syarikat bapanya; be under ~, a. dapat dikawal: the fire is under ~, api itu dapat dikawal; b. (fig.) berjalan dgn baik: everything is under ~, semuanya berjalan dgn baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fitting | adj (proper, right) sewajarnya; (suitable) sesuai; (appropriate) kena pd tempatnya: according to tradition, it was ~ for the eldest child to marry first, mengikut adat, sewajarnyalah anak yg sulung berkahwin dahulu; her behaviour was not ~ for a hospital supervisor, kelakuannya tdk sesuai bagi penyelia hospital; I think it was a ~ compliment, saya rasa pujian itu kena pd tempatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dud | n (colloq) 1. bomb, shell, firework, etc that fails to explode, (bom yg) tak berguna: the bomb turned out to be a ~, bom itu rupa-rupanya tak berguna; 2. counterfeit, (approp n) palsu: the one hundred dollar bill he gave me was a ~, duit seratus dolar yg diberikannya kpd saya itu palsu; 3. so. who is considered useless, (orang yg) tdk berguna: our new supervisor is a real ~, penyelia baru kami betul-betul tdk berguna. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
demand | vt 1. ask for with great insistence, mendesak (+ approp v); (for what one believes to be o’s rights) menuntut; (in requests in the first person) mahu, hendak: she ~ed that she be told what really happened, dia mendesak supaya dia diberitahu apa yg sebenarnya berlaku; the teacher ~ed an explanation, guru itu mendesak supaya dia diberi penjelasan; the estate workers have been ~ing better working conditions, pekerja estet menuntut suasana kerja yg lebih baik; I ~ to see the supervisor, saya hendak berjumpa dgn penyelia; 2. require, memerlukan: this post ~s a knowledge of several languages, jawatan ini memerlukan pengetahuan beberapa bahasa; this matter ~s the committee’s urgent attention, perkara ini memerlukan perhatian yg segera jawatankuasa itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |