absorption | n 1. act, process of absorbing, a. (liquid, sound, heat, etc) penyerapan; b. (cost, expenses, etc) penyerapan, penanggungan: ~ of the increased duty, penyerapan cukai yg bertambah; 2. engrossment, keasyikan; (in activity that is sublime in nature) kekhusyukan: his ~ in his work, keasyikannya bekerja; 3. incorporation, penyerapan: the ~ of the surrounding small holdings by the estate, penyerapan kebun-kebun kecil di sekitarnya oleh perusahaan ladang tersebut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infiltration | n 1. passing into or through, penyerapan, peresapan; 2. entering or becoming established unobstrusively or secretly, /penyeludupan, penyusupan/ masuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |