vacate | vt 1. cease to use or live in, mengosongkan: the tenants have ~d the house, penyewa-penyewa telah mengosongkan rumah itu; guests are asked to ~ their rooms by noon, para tetamu diminta mengosongkan bilik mereka menjelang tengah hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
threaten | vt 1. express a threat against, mengancam, mengugut, menggertak: the tenants were ~ed with legal proceedings, penyewa-penyewa itu diancam dgn tindakan undang-undang; he ~ed to dismiss his secretary, dia mengancam akan me | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
outgoing | adj 1. a. leaving, departing, akan keluar; (of mail) hendak dihantar keluar; (of ship, traffic, etc) menuju ke luar + approp n; (of tide) surut: ~ tenants, penyewa-penyewa yg akan keluar; the ~ traffic is very heavy in the late afternoon, lalu lintas yg menuju ke luar kota sangat sesak pd waktu petang; the ~ tide, air pasang surut; b. (retiring) akan bersara; (finishing term of office) akan tamat tempoh jawatannya; (of committee) akan tamat tempohnya: the ~ President, Presiden yg akan bersara; 2. sociable, extrovert, peramah, ramah: he is ~ compared to his shy brother, dia peramah jika dibandingkan dgn adiknya yg pemalu itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
householder | n 1. house owner, tuan rumah; 2. tenant, penyewa (rumah). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
obligation | n 1. duty imposed by law, moral responsibility, kewajipan: the tenant has an ~ to inform the landlord of any damage, penyewa mempunyai kewajipan utk memberitahu tuan rumah ttg sebarang kerosakan; a man has an ~ to provide for his family, orang lelaki mempunyai kewajipan utk menyara keluarganya; she felt that she had fulfilled all her ~s, dia berasa bahawa dia telah menunaikan segala kewajipannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incoming | adj 1. coming in, (hendak) masuk; (of st received) diterima: the ~ ship, kapal yg masuk; ~ tenants, penyewa yg hendak masuk; ~ radio signals, isyarat radio yg diterima; 2. just starting, succeeding, baru: the ~ chairman, pengerusi baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rack 1 | vt 1. torture on the rack , menyeksa [sso] di atas pangkin penyeksaan; 2. torment , (act. ) menyeksa; (pass.) terseksa: intense pain ~ed his body, rasa sakit yg amat sangat menyeksa tubuhnya; the murderer, ~ed by remorse, committed suicide, pembunuh itu membunuh diri akibat terseksa oleh rasa sesal yg mendalam; 3. oppress by charging excessive rent, memeras: some landlords ~ their tenants, sesetengah tuan rumah memeras penyewa mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appalling | adj 1. horrifying, dahsyat, mengerikan: the ~ consequences of war, akibat yg dahsyat drpd peperangan; 2. shocking, teruk, mengejutkan: the tenants left the house in an ~ state, penyewa rumah meninggalkan rumah itu dlm keadaan yg teruk; 3. (colloq) very bad, teruk: she wears clothes that are absolutely ~, dia memakai pakaian yg cukup teruk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
tempt | vt 1. lure, memikat: he ~ed her with money and gifts, dia memikatnya dgn wang dan hadiah; the landlord has reduced the rent to ~ new tenants, tuan tanah itu mengurangkan sewa utk menarik penyewa baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infringe | vt 1. violate, melanggar; (law, rule, etc) melanggar, menyalahi: to ~ copyright, melanggar peraturan hak cipta; to ~ an agreement, melanggar perjanjian; by destroying public property, you have ~d the law, dgn merosakkan harta awam, tuan telah melanggar undang-undang; 2. encroach upon, mencerobohi: this action would ~ the rights of the tenants, tindakan ini akan mencerobohi hak-hak penyewa; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |