completion | n 1. act of finishing, penyiapan, menyiapkan, menyelesaikan, siap, selesai: the ~ of the essay is his first consideration, pertimbangannya yg pertama adalah utk menyiapkan esei itu; on ~, apabila [n] /siap, selesai/: payment will be made on ~ of contract, bayaran akan dibuat apabila kontrak itu selesai; 2. state of being finished, siap, selesai: the highway is near ~, lebuh raya itu hampir siap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guarantee | vt 1. take responsibility for debt, obligation, etc, menjamin: we ~ the completion of the project within the specified time, kami menjamin penyiapan projek itu dlm masa yg ditentukan; he ~d his son’s debts, dia menjamin hutang anak lelakinya; the manufacturer ~s these machines against mechanical failure for two years, pengilang menjamin jentera-jentera ini drpd kerosakan mekanikal selama dua tahun; 2. secure, menjamin [sso] mendapat: buying a ticket doesn’t ~ you a seat, membeli tiket tdk menjamin kamu mendapat tempat duduk; 3. (colloq) promise, jamin: I ~ that he will be satisfied, saya jamin dia akan puas hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |