crush | n 1. also ~ of people, orang ramai yg /berpusu-pusu, berasak-asak/: there was a ~ outside the court, terdapat orang ramai yg berpusu-pusu di luar mahkamah; 2. fruit drink, perahan: orange ~, perahan oren; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
juice 1 | n 1. a. liquid occurring naturally in fruit, plant, air, jus; b. drink made from this, jus, air; (squeezed from fruit or vegetable) perahan, air, jus: guava ~, air jambu batu; tomato ~, jus tomato; orange ~, perahan limau; 2. liquid occurring naturally in animals, jus; (of joint of meat) air: she spooned the ~s from the cooked meat, dia menceduk air dr daging yg dimasak itu dgn sudu; gastric ~, jus gaster; 3. (sl) a. petrol, minyak; b. electricity, api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |