conditioner | n additive that improves quality, perapi: hair ~, perapi rambut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comb | ~ out st, a. comb hair thoroughly to remove knots or tangles, /menyikat, menyisir/ rambut (utk membuang kusut): she would sit for hours in front of the mirror ~ing out her hair, dia akan duduk berjam-jam di hadapan cermin menyikat rambutnya; b. remove knots, tangles, etc with comb, /menyikat, menyisir/ rambut utk membuang [n]: if you use a hair conditioner, you don’t need to ~ out the knots every time you wash your hair, jika kamu menggunakan perapi, kamu tdk perlu menyikat rambut utk membuang kusut setiap kali kamu membasuhnya; c. search a place throughly, menggeledah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |