flatter | 3. make (so.) look better, membuat [sso] kelihatan lebih + approp adj; (of photograph, picture), [sso] kelihatan lebih + approp adj dlm: that dress really ~s you, baju itu betul-betul membuat kamu kelihatan lebih cantik; I feel the photograph doesn’t ~ him at all, saya rasa dia sama sekali tdk kelihatan kacak dlm gambar foto itu; ~ os (that), perasan: I ~ myself that men usually find me attractive, saya perasan bahawa lelaki biasanya mendapati saya menarik; “I know I’ll get their support.” “Don’t ~ yourself!”, “Saya tahu mereka akan menyokong saya.” “Jangan perasanlah!”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conspicuous | adj 1. easy to see, mudah dilihat: road signs should be ~, tanda jalan mestilah mudah dilihat; 2. attracting attention, a. (by reason of striking physical feature) kelihatan menonjol: her bright yellow dress made her ~ in the crowd, dgn memakai baju kuning terang, dia kelihatan menonjol; a ~ block of apartments, blok pangsapuri yg menarik perhatian; b. (by reason of remarkableness, unusualness, etc) menonjol: to be ~ for o’s gallantry, menonjol krn keberanian sso; his ~ ignorance, kejahilannya yg menonjol; a ~ mistake, kesalahan yg menonjol; make os ~, menonjolkan diri sso: she makes herself ~ by her behaviour, dia menonjolkan dirinya dgn berkelakuan begitu; be ~ by o’s absence, orang perasan sso tdk hadir: you were ~ by your absence last night, orang perasan kamu tdk hadir malam tadi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dozen | n 1. group of twelve, dozen: a ~ handkerchiefs, satu dozen sapu tangan; 2. a large number, banyak: I’ve passed this road a ~ times but I didn’t notice the signboard, saya telah lalu di jalan ini banyak kali tetapi saya tdk perasan papan tanda itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flock1 | n 1. group of sheep, goats, birds, kawan(an) (+ approp n): every autumn, the shepherds bring their ~s down from the hills, setiap musim luruh, gembala itu membawa turun kawanan kambing biri-birinya dr bukit; a ~ of turkeys, sekawanan ayam belanda; 2. crowd, kumpulan: a ~ of visitors, sekumpulan pelawat; come in ~s, datang berduyun-duyun; 3. parish, jemaah: the priest noticed several members of his ~ falling asleep, paderi itu perasan beberapa anggota jemaahnya tertidur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |