council | n 1. (UK) local authority, (of a town) majlis perbandaran; (of borough, county, district) majlis daerah; (with modifier) majlis: the ~ threatened to pull down the squatter huts that had sprouted out on the outskirts of the city, majlis perbandaran mengugut akan merobohkan rumah-rumah setinggan yg tumbuh bagai cendawan di pinggir bandar; are you still on the ~, adakah kamu masih menjadi ahli Majlis Perbandaran; ~ flat, rumah pangsa majlis perbandaran; town ~, majlis perbandaran; local ~, majlis tempatan; city ~, dewan bandar raya; 2. group of people elected or appointed to make decisions, rules, etc, majlis: the UN Security C~, Majlis Keselamatan PBB; student ~, majlis pelajar: a ~ of elders, majlis orang tua-tua. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
councillor | n (for a town) anggota Majlis Perbandaran; (for a city) anggota Dewan Bandaraya; (for a state) ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grandiose | adj (usu derog) hebat; ( of building, room) terlalu hebat: the council ridiculed his ~ development scheme, majlis perbandaran mempersendakan rancangan pembangunannya yg hebat itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corporation | n 1. incorporated body, syarikat; (public) perbadanan: ~ tax, cukai syarikat; ~ control, kawalan perbadanan; Singapore Broadcasting C~, Perbadanan Penyiaran Singapura; 2. also municipal corporation, majlis perbandaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clerk | n 1. office employee who keeps accounts etc, kerani: a bank ~, kerani bank; 2. officer in charge of records of town council etc, setiausaha: the C~ to the Council, Setiausaha Majlis Perbandaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
its | poss pron -nya: a town renowned for ~ magnificent cathedral, bandar yg terkenal krn gerejanya yg sangat indah; the cat licked ~ paw, kucing itu menjilat tapak kakinya; the municipality is not making much headway with ~ plan to restore some of the old buildings in the town, majlis perbandaran itu tdk mencapai kemajuan yg pesat dlm rancangannya utk membaik pulih bangunan-bangunan lama di bandar itu; this beauty cream is light and non-greasy; ~ blend of emollients penetrates deep into the skin, krim kecantikan ini ringan dan tdk berminyak; campuran emoliennya meresap hingga ke bahagian dalam kulit; the Daihatsu Charade has maintained ~ sleek and smooth design concept, kereta Daihatsu Charade telah mengekalkan konsep reka bentuknya yg rapi dan sekata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | ~ back, a. return (an attack etc) melawan balik, membalas: if he slaps you why don’t you ~ back?, kalau dia menampar kamu kenapa kamu tdk melawan balik; b. resist, melawan: if the council tries to evict us we shall ~ back, jika majlis perbandaran mencuba mengusir kami, kami akan melawan; ~ st back, suppress st, menahan sst: she had difficulty in ~ing back her tears, sukar baginya menahan air matanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hall | n 1. entrance, vestibule of house, ruang depan; 2. building for public gatherings, events, etc, dewan: the school ~, dewan sekolah; lecture ~, dewan kuliah; the only seats available for the concert were at the back of the ~, tempat duduk yg masih ada utk konsert itu hanyalah di bahagian belakang dewan; community ~, dewan orang ramai; village ~, balai raya; 3. main office of a local government authority, dewan: the town ~, dewan perbandaran; City H~, Dewan Bandaraya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
be | c. (with “have”) completed continuous action, /sudah, telah/ [v], [not translated]: I have been waiting for hours, saya sudah menunggu berjam-jam or berjam-jam saya menunggu; Jack has been staying in a hotel until now, selama ini Jack tinggal di hotel; 2. (with pp, indic pass. action) a. (voluntary) di- [v stem]: the crocodile was shot dead by the villagers, buaya itu ditembak mati oleh orang kampung; the restaurant has been closed by the city council, restoran ini telah ditutup oleh majlis perbandaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |