undefended | adj 1. (of lawsuit) tdk dibela: an ~ divorce case, kes perceraian yg tdk dibela; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
after-taste | n 1. rasa kesan; 2. (fig.) kesan: the ~ of a divorce, kesan perceraian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 9. also ~ behind, (lit. & fig.) result in, meninggalkan: the paint left stains on the floor, cat itu meninggalkan bekas-bekas di lantai; the break-up of the marriage left behind emotional scars that took a long time to heal, perceraian itu meninggalkan kesan-kesan emosi yg sukar hendak sembuh; 10. entrust, menyerahkan: he left the decision to the committee, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kpd jawatankuasa; ~ it to me, I’ll organize the party, serahkan majlis itu pd saya, saya akan mengaturnya; ~ it to God, berserah kpd Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
leave 1 | 9. also ~ behind, (lit. & fig.) result in, meninggalkan: the paint left stains on the floor, cat itu meninggalkan bekas-bekas di lantai; the break-up of the marriage left behind emotional scars that took a long time to heal, perceraian itu meninggalkan kesan-kesan emosi yg sukar hendak sembuh; 10. entrust, menyerahkan: he left the decision to the committee, dia menyerahkan keputusan itu kpd jawatankuasa; ~ it to me, I’ll organize the party, serahkan majlis itu pd saya, saya akan mengaturnya; ~ it to God, berserah kpd Tuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incidence | n 1. extent, range of occurence or influence, sejauh mana berlakunya; (tech) insidens: to study the ~ of poverty in the rural areas, mengkaji sejauh mana berlakunya emiskinan di awasan luar bandar; ~ of taxation, insidens pencukaian; 2. rate, frequency of occurrence (esp of st undesirable) kerap berlaku: there is a high ~ of divorce in the community, perceraian kerap berlaku dlm masyarakat itu; 3. (phys) tuju: angle of ~, sudut tuju. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bitter | adj 1. (rel to taste) pahit: the pill left a ~ taste in the mouth, pil itu meninggalkan rasa pahit dlm mulut; ~ orange peel, kulit oren yg pahit; a ~ pill to swallow, sst yg pahit yg terpaksa /diterima, ditelan/; 2. piercing, stinging, /menggigit, menusuk/ ke tulang: a ~ chill, kedinginan yg menusuk ke tulang; 3. piercingly cold, kedinginannya /menggigit, menusuk/ ke tulang: a ~ night, malam yg kedinginannya menusuk ke tulang; 4. hard to bear or accept, pahit, getir: a ~ experience, pengalaman pahit; a ~ lesson, pengajaran pahit; a ~ disappointment, kekecewaan yg getir; ~ poverty, kemiskinan yg pahit; the ~ truth, kenyataan pahit; 5. full of resentment, pain, a. (of person) berasa marah dan kecewa: she was still ~ about her parents’ divorce, dia masih lagi berasa marah dan kecewa krn perceraian ibu bapanya; b. (of words etc) pahit; c. (of tears) kesal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |