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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata perdana 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

premiershipn 1. office of premier, jawatan Perdana Menteri: he aspired to the ~, dia berhasrat utk memegang jawatan Perdana Menteri; 2. term of a premier, semasa menjadi Perdana Menteri: the reforms instituted during his ~, pembaharuan-pembaharuan yg dilaksanakan semasa dia menjadi Perdana Menteri.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inauguraladj 1. rel to inauguration of official, perdana: ~ speech, ucapan perdana; 2. initial, sulung: ~ meeting, mesyuarat sulung; 3. rel to official opening of building etc, perasmian: about 500 people attended the ~ ceremony, lebih urang 500 orang menghadiri upacara perasmian itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
endorse vt 1. publicly support, menyokong:the Prime Minister ~d the appeal , Perdana Menteri mengesahkan rayuan itu; his candidature has been ~d by the party, pencalonannya telah disokong oleh parti itu; 2. sign esp o’s name on the back of a cheque etc, menandatangani belakang: she ~d the cheque before handing it over, dia menandatangani belakang cek itu sebelum menyerahkannya; 3. write on the back of (document) mengendors;4. record conviction on (driving licence) mengendors: the police ~ his driving licence, polis mengendors lesen memandunya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
returnn 1. coming, going back, kepulangan: the ~ of the Prime Minister from Japan, kepulangan Perdana Menteri dr Jepun; the yearly ~ of the swallows, kepulangan burung layang-layang setiap tahun; 2. giving, sending back, pemulangan, memulangkan: the ~ of faulty goods to the factory, pemulangan barang-barang yg rosak kpd kilang; /ask for, request/ the ~ of, meminta dipulangkan:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
primeadj 1. of the finest quality, excellent, terbaik: a ~ cut of meat, bahagian daging yg terbaik; this is the ~ illustration of what I’ve been talking about, inilah ilustrasi terbaik ttg apa yg telah saya perkatakan; 2. most important, fundamental, utama: water and electricity are ~ needs in the rural areas, bekalan air dan elektrik merupakan keperluan utama di kawasan luar bandar; 3. most typical, paling jelas: this is a ~ example of your usual carelessness, inilah contoh yg paling jelas ttg kecuaian yg biasa kamu lakukan; 4. (math) perdana: ~ factor, faktor perdana; 5. (finance) utama: ~ cost, kos utama;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
reshufflevt 1. interchange the posts of a group of people, merombak: the Prime Minister is expected to ~ his cabinet, Perdana Menteri dijangka merombak kabinetnya; 2. shuffle (cards) again, mengocok semula.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
shock 1 3. sudden disturbance, agitation of mind, feelings, etc, terkejut, terperanjat, tergamam: his resignation as prime minister sent ~ waves through the nation, peletakan jawatannya sbg perdana menteri menyebabkan seluruh negara terkejut; the ~ of his son’s arrest brought on a heart attack, krn terkejut dgn penangkapan anaknya dia mendapat serangan jantung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lay 1 vt 1. set down, place, meletakkan; (in vertical position) menyandarkan; (in horizontal position) membaringkan: he laid a restraining hand on the child’s shoulder, dia meletakkan tangannya pd bahu budak itu utk menahannya; the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone last week, Perdana Menteri meletakkan batu asas minggu lalu; ~ your shovel against the wall and come over here, sandarkan penyodok kamu pd dinding dan mari sini; they laid the wounded soldier down on the ground, mereka membaringkan askar yg cedera itu di atas tanah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lay 1 vt 1. set down, place, meletakkan; (in vertical position) menyandarkan; (in horizontal position) membaringkan: he laid a restraining hand on the child’s shoulder, dia meletakkan tangannya pd bahu budak itu utk menahannya; the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone last week, Perdana Menteri meletakkan batu asas minggu lalu; ~ your shovel against the wall and come over here, sandarkan penyodok kamu pd dinding dan mari sini; they laid the wounded soldier down on the ground, mereka membaringkan askar yg cedera itu di atas tanah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
becomevi 1. come to be, develop into, menjadi; (preceding compar), [not translated, sometimes menjadi]: he became Prime Minister at the age of forty-two, dia menjadi Perdana Menteri semasa berumur empat puluh dua tahun; to ~ famous, menjadi masyhur; to ~ sick, menjadi sakit; a custom that has ~ law, adat resam yg sudah menjadi undang-undang; to ~ richer, (menjadi) makin kaya; today, consumers have ~ more discriminating, pd masa sekarang, pengguna menjadi lebih memilih; 2. happen to, (ter)jadi: what will ~ of him ?, apa yg akan terjadi kepadanya?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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