disenchanted | adj (berasa) kecewa: he was ~ with the movement, dia berasa kecewa dgn pergerakan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corrugate | vt form ridges in, mengombakkan, menjadikan [sst] /berombak(-ombak), beralun-alun/: earth movements ~d the flat land, pergerakan bumi mengombakkan tanah rata itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acceleration | n 1. act of increasing, a. (in speed, velocity) pemecutan, pelajuan, pencepatan, pergerakan yg semakin /laju, deras/; b. (in rate of development etc) perkembangan (yg) pesat: a sudden ~ of economic activity, perkembangan pesat kegiatan ekonomi secara tiba-tiba; 2. power of accelerating, daya pecutan: the new model has good ~, model baru itu mempunyai daya pecutan yg baik; 3. rate of change in velocity, pecutan: to measure the ~ of a falling body, mengukur pecutan jisim yg sedang jatuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embody | vt 1. give concrete form to, terjelma, wujud: the spirit of democracy is embodied in the revolutionary movement, semangat demokrasi terjelma dlm pergerakan revolusi itu; 2. incorporate, include, a. (in organization) (act.) merangkum; (pass.) terangkum: the three groups are embodied in the new organization, ketiga-tiga kumpulan itu terangkum dlm organisasi baru itu; b. (in a car, computer, etc), (act.) mengandungi; (pass.) terkandung; c. (in an Act) termaktub. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
involvement | n 1. act of involving, state of being involved, penglibatan; (in crime or some unpleasant activity) penglibatan, pembabitan: his ~ in the movement began when he was a student, penglibatannya dlm pergerakan itu bermula sejak dia penuntut lagi; the events that led to our ~ in the war, peristiwa-peristiwa yg menyebabkan penglibatan kami dlm peperangan itu; 2. absorption, penglibatan: his total ~ in his work resulted in his cutting down on his socialising, penglibatan yg sepenuhnya dlm kerja menyebabkan beliau mengurangkan kegiatan sosialnya; 3. close relationship, perhubungan: what they have is not a lasting ~, perhubungan mereka tdk mungkin kekal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
help | ~ /along, forward/, /menolong, membantu/ + approp v: I ~ed the small boy along, he could hardly cross the busy road, saya menolong memimpin budak kecil itu, dia tdk boleh menyeberang jalan yg sibuk; our moral support will ~ the movement along, sokongan moral kami akan membantu mengembangkan pergerakan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gather | ~ dust, mengumpul abuk; ~ o’s energies, mengumpulkan tenaga; ~ o’s courage, memberanikan diri; ~ rust, berkarat; ~ so. /into o’s arms, to o’s breast/, /mendakap, memeluk/ sso; ~ strength, a. (of person) mengumpulkan tenaga; b. (of st) bertambah kuat: the movement is ~ing strength, pergerakan itu bertambah kuat; be ~ed to o’s fathers, berpulang ke asalnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
denseness | n 1. quality, state, a. (of being thick) tebal: a fog of great ~, kabus yg amat tebal; b. (of being crowded) penuh sesak; (of population) kepadatan: the ~ of the crowd made movement difficult, orang ramai yg penuh sesak menyukarkan pergerakan; c. (of being stupid) kebodohan; 2. (phys) ketumpatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
communication | n 1. act of, a. (getting in touch or exchanging ideas, information, etc) perhubungan, komunikasi: the telephone is a means of ~, telefon ialah alat komunikasi; ~ with the rest of the world was difficult during the civil war, perhubungan dgn dunia luar sukar semasa berlakunya perang saudara; be in ~ with, /berhubung, berkomunikasi/ dgn: we are in radio ~ with the underground movement, kami berhubung melalui radio dgn pergerakan bawah tanah; b. (imparting information, ideas, etc) penyampaian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fatal | adj 1. that will cause or is capable of causing death, membawa maut, menyebabkan kematian; (of injury) parah: a ~ accident, kemalangan yg membawa maut; the disease can be ~ to young children, jika dihidapi kanak-kanak, penyakit itu boleh membawa maut; he received ~ injuries, dia mengalami cedera parah; 2. disastrous, membawa padah: a ~ decision, keputusan yg membawa padah; he has one ~ flaw, dia mempunyai satu kelemahan yg membawa padah; his death was ~ to the movement, kematiannya membawa padah pd pergerakan itu; 3. decisively important, penentuan; 4. destined, ditakdirkan, tersurat: the ~ day has arrived, hari yg ditakdirkan itu telah tiba. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |