far | adv 1. at, to considerable distance in space, jauh: do you live ~ from here?, kamu tinggal jauh dr sini?; we did not go ~, kami tdk pergi jauh; 2. from a considerable distance, dr jauh: did you come ~?, kamu datang dr jauh?; 3. (used with other adv or prep) a great distance in space or time, jauh: they lived ~ away from us, mereka tinggal jauh dr rumah kami; he was ~ ahead of the other runners, dia jauh di hadapan pelari-pelari lain; to look ~ into the future, melihat jauh ke masa depan; 4. a great deal, very much, a. (modifying adj) jauh: the journey was ~ worse than we expected, perjalanan itu jauh lebih teruk drpd yg kami sangka; it would have been ~ better to resign, jauh lebih baik sekiranya dia meletak jawatan; b. (modifying adv), [not translated]: she’s ~ too thin, dia terlalu kurus; it’s ~ too crowded in here, tempat ini terlalu sesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afield | adv 1. usu far ~, far away, jauh: don’t wonder too far ~, jangan merayau terlalu jauh; to go far ~ in search of fortune, pergi jauh utk mencari kekayaan; 2. usu far ~, off the subject, terkeluar drpd tajuk; 3. a. in the field (esp battlefield) di medan perang: the soldiers lived in tents while ~, askar-askar tinggal di khemah semasa di medan perang; b. to the field (esp battlefield) ke medan perang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
away | e. far removed from, jauh dr: a little house in the country ~ from the bustle of city life, rumah kecil di desa, jauh dr kesibukan kota; he sat near the window, ~ from his ex-wife, dia duduk dekat tingkap, jauh dr bekas isterinya; ~ with you, pergi, nyah engkau; ~ with /him, them, etc/, bawa /dia, mereka, dsb/ pergi; /far, out/ and ~, a. (preceding compar) jauh lebih: they are both brilliant, but Salleh is far and ~ the more brilliant of the two, mereka kedua-duanya pandai tetapi antara kedua-duanya itu, Salleh jauh lebih pandai; b. (preceding superl), [not translated]: Malaysia is far and ~ the world’s biggest producer of natural rubber, Malaysia ialah pengeluar getah asli yg paling besar di dunia; miles ~, (fig.) day-dreaming, sedang /melamun, mengelamun, berkhayal/; /right, straight/ ~, sekarang juga; (promptly), (dgn) segera, dgn serta-merta, cepat-cepat: I’ll go right ~, saya pergi sekarang juga; you must tell me straight ~ if you feel ill, kamu mesti memberitahu saya dgn segera jika kamu berasa kurang sihat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
away | adv 1. distant, a. (in space), (jauhnya) dr /sini, situ, tempat ini, tempat itu/: our house is two kilometres ~, rumah kami dua kilometer jauhnya dr sini; I can’t wait to get ~, saya tak sabar utk pergi dr sini; b. (in time) lagi: his sixtieth birthday is only a month ~, hari jadinya yg keenam puluh hanya sebulan lagi; 2. (foll by adv) a. in the distance, jauh: we could see the enemy positions ~ over to our right, kami dapat melihat kedudukan musuh jauh di sebelah kanan kami; he lives ~ on the other side of the river, dia tinggal jauh di sebelah sana sungai; b. in the past, dulu, dahulu: ~ back in the tenth century..., dlm abad kesepuluh dulu...; 3. absent, tdk ada: the boss was ~ yesterday, ketua tdk ada semalam; she’s ~ at a conference, dia tdk ada krn menghadiri persidangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |