detail | n 1. particular, butir, butiran, perincian: to examine the ~s of a plan, mengkaji butir-butir sst rancangan; ~s of expenditure, butir-butir perbelanjaan; flight ~s, butir-butir penerbangan; 2. insignificant item or circumstance, perkara /remeh, kecil/: to trouble os with mere ~s, menyusahkan diri sso dgn perkara-perkara kecil; 3. particulars considered together, perincian: to pay careful attention to ~, memberikan perhatian yg teliti kpd perincian; 4. minor accessory (of painting, building, etc) perincian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bar | prep 1. except for, kecuali: the deal has been finalized ~ a few unimportant details, urusan itu telah diselesaikan kecuali beberapa perincian yg tdk penting; 2. unless there is, jika tdk ada, kecuali berlaku: the meeting will be held tomorrow ~ any change of plan, jika tdk ada perubahan rancangan, mesyuarat itu akan berlangsung esok; ~ none, tiada yg setanding dengannya: he is the most popular singer in the country, ~ none, dia penyanyi yg paling disukai ramai di negeri ini, tiada yg setanding dengannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infinitude | n 1. state of being limitless, boundless, tdk /terhad, terbatas/; (rel to God) kuasa [Tuhan] yg tdk /terbatas, terhad/: the ~ of time, masa yg tdk terbatas; divine ~, kuasa Tuhan yg tdk terbatas; the ~ of God’s mercy, Tuhan yg Maha Pengampun; 2. infinite number, extent, quantity, tdk /terhingga, terkira/ + approp n: an ~ of details, perincian yg tdk terhingga banyaknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amplification | n 1. act of, a. (increasing) peluasan; b. (augmenting, elaborating a report, remark, etc) penghuraian: his statement needs ~, kenyataannya memerlukan penghuraian; c. (augmenting or elaborating an account, story, etc) peluasan (+ approp n): more details may be added for ~, perincian yg lebih banyak boleh dimasukkan utk peluasan laporan itu; d. (electr) penguatan: the ~ of radio signals, penguatan isyarat-isyarat radio; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
generalize | vi 1. draw a conclusion etc after considering a small body of facts, membuat /anggapan umum, generalisasi/: I don’t think you can ~ from so few examples, saya rasa saudara tdk boleh membuat anggapan umum berdasarkan contoh-contoh yg terlalu sedikit itu; 2. make vague indefinite statements, talk in general terms, membuat generalisasi: he is always generalizing and avoids dealing with details, dia selalu membuat generalisasi dan mengelak drpd membincangkan perincian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fussy | adj 1. over-ornamented, lebih dihiasi: the furniture was too ~ for the small room, perabot itu terlalu lebih dihiasi utk bilik kecil itu; 2. agitatedly busy, bustling, suka buat kecoh: a silly, ~ woman, perempuan bodoh yg suka buat kecoh; 3. fastidious, cerewet: she’s very ~ about her house, dia sangat cerewet ttg rumahnya; he’s ~ over details, dia cerewet ttg perincian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amplify | vt 1. increase, meluaskan, memperluas: to ~ the jurisdiction of the court, meluaskan bidang kuasa mahkamah itu; 2. augment, elaborate, a. (statement, remark, etc) menghuraikan: he was asked to ~ his statement to make it more under standable, dia diminta menghuraikan kenyataannya supaya lebih dapat difahami; b. (account, story, etc) meluaskan: to ~ a story by adding details, meluaskan cerita dgn memasukkan perincian; 3. (electr) menguatkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faithful | adj 1. remain loyal, constant, true, a. (to so.) setia: a ~ friend, kawan yg setia; she was a ~ wife, dia isteri yg setia; b. (to cause, principles, etc) berpegang teguh: he was always ~ to his principles, dia sentiasa berpegang teguh kpd prinsipnya; be ~ in the observance of st, taat mengerjakan sst; be ~ to o’s promise, menepati janji sso; 3. trustworthy, boleh dipercayai: a ~ witness, saksi yg boleh dipercayai; 4. accurate, tepat: ~ in every detail, tepat dlm segala perincian; 5. true to the facts, setia: a ~ description, pemerian yg setia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |