entire | adj 1. whole, seluruh; (of a set of st) lengkap; (of period of time) seluruh, sepanjang: the ~ city was destroyed in the earthquake, seluruh bandar raya itu musnah dlm gempa bumi tersebut; these new developments have changed the ~ situation, perkembangan-perkembangan baru ini telah mengubah seluruh keadaan; the ~ governing mechanism is corrupt, seluruh mekanisma kerajaan itu korup; she spent the ~ time in the garden, dia menghabiskan seluruh waktu itu di taman; the ~ day, sehari suntuk, seharian: we took the ~ day to repair the engine, kami mengambil masa sehari suntuk utk membaiki enjin itu; 2. total, sepenuhnya: they seemed to be in ~ agreement with us, nampaknya mereka bersetuju sepenuhnya dgn kita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
abreast | adv seiring, beriring(an), bersaing, berdamping(an): they walked two ~, mereka berjalan berdua-dua seiring; /come, draw/ ~ of, (datang) menyampingi: a police car drew ~ of the lorry, sebuah kereta polis datang menyampingi lori itu; in line ~, sejajar (dlm satu baris); keep ~ /of, with/, (fig.) mengikuti: to keep ~ of the latest developments, mengikuti perkembangan-perkembangan yg terbaru; to keep ~ of the times, mengikuti (aliran) zaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
advanced | adj 1. forward, di (barisan) hadapan: the platoon took up an ~ position, platun itu mengambil kedudukan di barisan hadapan; 2. being ahead, (of work, project, etc) hampir selesai: the work is well ~, kerja itu hampir selesai; 3. ahead of the times, (of person, opinion, idea, etc) mendahului zamannya: his ~ ideas influenced political developments in the country, buah fikirannya yg mendahului zamannya telah mempengaruhi perkembangan-perkembangan politik di negaranya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
development | c. (unfolding) perkembangan; d. (improving value of, as by building) pembangunan, pemajuan: many companies are engaged in land ~, beberapa banyak syarikat terlibat dlm pemajuan tanah; e. (photog) pencucian; 2. result of developing, hasil; 3. new fact, event, etc, which is the result of developing, perkembangan: there was a new ~ in the peace negotiations, ada perkembangan baru dlm rundingan damai itu; he could not keep up with ~s in the field, dia tdk dapat mengikuti perkembangan dlm lapangan itu; 4. area, land, that has been developed, kawasan: a new housing ~, kawasan perumahan baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
development | n 1. act, process of, a. (becoming larger, fuller, maturer, more advanced, etc) perkembangan; (of town, country, etc) pembangunan; (of business enterprise, school, small holding, etc) maju: physical ~, perkembangan jasmani; moral ~, perkembangan akhlak; an important stage in the country’s ~, peringkat penting dlm pembangunan negara itu; b. (causing to become larger, fuller, more advanced, etc) pembinaan; (of business enterprise etc) memajukan: exercises for the ~ of muscles, senaman utk pembinaan otot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evolution | n 1. (biol) evolusi; 2. gradual development, perkembangan: the ~ of a democratic state, perkembangan sebuah negara demokrasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acceleration | n 1. act of increasing, a. (in speed, velocity) pemecutan, pelajuan, pencepatan, pergerakan yg semakin /laju, deras/; b. (in rate of development etc) perkembangan (yg) pesat: a sudden ~ of economic activity, perkembangan pesat kegiatan ekonomi secara tiba-tiba; 2. power of accelerating, daya pecutan: the new model has good ~, model baru itu mempunyai daya pecutan yg baik; 3. rate of change in velocity, pecutan: to measure the ~ of a falling body, mengukur pecutan jisim yg sedang jatuh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adjust | to ~ foreign policies in the light of new developments in world politics, menyesuaikan dasar luar negeri berdasarkan perkembangan baru politik dunia; to ~ o’s expenditure to o’s income, menyesuaikan perbelanjaan dgn pendapatan sso; 4. (accounting) menyelaraskan: to ~ the books, menyelaraskan buku akaun; 5. settle, menyelesaikan: to be told to ~ their differences, disuruh menyelesaikan perselisihan di antara mereka; 6. (insurance) menentukan bayaran tuntutan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
come | e. improve in health, semakin sihat: the patient is coming along nicely, pesakit itu semakin sihat; f. make progress, berjalan lancar; (interrog) berkembang, perkembangan: the project is coming along very well, projek itu sedang berjalan lancar; how is the dictionary coming along?, bagaimana dgn perkembangan kamus itu?; g. improve, bertambah baik: his Japanese is coming along fine, penguasaan bahasa Jepunnya bertambah baik; h. arrive by chance, ada: when the opportunity ~s along I’ll take it, bila ada peluang saya akan mengambilnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
au fait | adj maklum: I’m not ~ with the latest developments in generative grammar, saya belum maklum akan perkembangan terakhir ttg tatabahasa generatif; /make, put/ so. ~ with (st), memberitahu sso ttg (sst). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |