bump | n 1. collision, knock, perlanggaran: the ~ dented the front of the car, perlanggaran itu menyebabkan bahagian depan kereta kemik; 2. sound from a collision, bunyi /hantukan, perlanggaran/; 3. swelling caused by a blow, benjol, benggol: a ~ that still hurts, benjol yg masih sakit; 4. protuberance on a surface, bonggol: a road full of ~s and holes, jalan yg berbonggol-bonggol dan berlubang-lubang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collision | n 1. act, instance of colliding, perlanggaran: the ~ occurred at the corner, perlanggaran itu berlaku di selekoh itu; 2. clash, percanggahan, pertentangan: a ~ of opinions, percanggahan pendapat; 3. (phys) perlanggaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bump | vt dislodge, memelantingkan, menyebabkan terpelanting: the crash ~ed him from his seat, perlanggaran itu menyebabkan dia terpelanting dr tempat duduknya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
impact | n 1. violent contact, hentaman: the ~ of the collision crushed the car, hentaman akibat perlanggaran meremukkan kereta itu; 2. force, kuatnya: the ~ of the blow knocked him down, kuatnya tumbukan itu menumbangkannya; 3. forceful effect, kesan: the advertisement has terrific ~, iklan itu mempunyai kesan yg hebat; the ~ of the war was felt throughout the world, kesan peperangan itu dirasai di seluruh dunia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inelastic | adj 1. tak anjal; (phys) tak /anjal, kenyal/: ~ demand, permintaan tak anjal; ~ collision, perlanggaran tak anjal; ~ scattering, serakan tak anjal; 2. (fig.) tdk boleh diubah: ~ plan, rancangan yg tdk boleh diubah; ~ schedule, jadual yg tdk boleh diubah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crush | ~ in, /berasak-asak, berhimpit-himpit/ masuk; ~ st in, (act.) meremukkan sst; (pass.) sst remuk: the car door was ~ed in by the impact, pintu kereta itu remuk akibat perlanggaran; ~ /so. st/ in, mengasak / sso, sst/ masuk: there was very little space in the lorry, so the animal had to be ~ed in, terdapat ruang yg terlalu sempit di dlm lori itu, jadi binatang itu terpaksa diasak masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collision course | n 1. course likely to end in confrontation, percanggahan, bercanggahan: the management and the union seemed to be set on a ~, pihak pengurusan dan pihak kesatuan nampaknya menjurus ke arah percanggahan; 2. course likely to end in a crash, arah pandu perlanggaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |