Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

indemnityn 1. security, protection against possible loss, damage, etc, perlindungan: ~ against loss of income, perlindungan drpd kerugian pendapatan; 2. compensation, ganti rugi: he was paid ~ for wrongful dismissal, dia dibayar ganti rugi krn dibuang kerja secara tdk adil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
asylumn 1. (formerly termed lunatic asylum) /rumah sakit, hospital, rumah orang/ gila, rumah sakit otak; 2. place of refuge, suaka, tempat berlindung; 3. refuge, perlindungan: to seek political ~, meminta perlindungan politik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
harbour, (US) harborvt 1. shelter, protect, melindungi, memberikan perlindungan kpd: they were ~ing an escaped convict, mereka melindungi banduan yg telah melepaskan diri; 2. foster, memendam, menyimpan: she ~ed a deep resentment against her step-mother, dia memendam rasa marah yg mendalam thdp ibu tirinya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
harbour, (US) harborn 1. pelabuhan; 2. (fig.) tempat /berlindung, perlindungan/: a ~ for refugees, tempat berlindung orang pelarian; the inn was a ~ for tired travellers, rumah penginapan itu menjadi tempat berlindung pengembara-pengembara yg kepenatan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dashn 1. rush, meluru, berlari; make a ~, meluru, berlari: to make a ~ for cover, meluru mencari perlindungan; the dog made a ~ at the postman, anjing itu meluru ke arah posmen itu; 2. small admixture, splash, sedikit: a ~ of vinegar, sedikit cuka; a ~ of red, sedikit warna merah; 3. sudden burst, splash, (of water) simbahan, menyimbah: a ~ of cold water will revive him, simbahan air akan menyedarkannya semula; 4. sound of water striking, a. (of wave, sea, etc) desau, deburan:Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
coveringn 1. cloth for spreading over, kain penutup; 2. clothing, pakaian; 3. wrapper, pembalut, pembungkus; 4. protection, perlindungan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dug-outn 1. canoe made by hollowing out a tree trunk, perahu lading; 2. (mil) rough covered shelter dug in the ground etc, parit perlindungan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forlornadj 1. desolate, pilu, sayu; (of person) kelihatan /pilu, sayu/: a ~ child wandering around the department store, anak yg kelihatan pilu merayau-rayau di pasar raya itu; he heard a ~ cry, dia terdengar laungan yg pilu; 2. (of place) forsaken, terbiar: they found shelter in an old, ~ hut, mereka mendapat perlindungan di sebuah pondok yg buruk dan terbiar; 3. desperate, nekad: a ~ attempt to equalize the score, percubaan yg nekad utk menyamakan kedudukan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
approachn 1. act of coming nearer, a. (in space) mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp pron or n: at our ~, the intruders fled, penceroboh-penceroboh itu lari apabila kami menghampiri mereka; the ~ of the whirlwind sent people scurrying for shelter, orang-orang lari bertempiaran mencari tempat perlindungan apabila puting beliung menghampiri pelabuhan itu; b. (in time) menjelang, mendekat, hampir tiba; (of death) hampir tiba, sudah dekat: the ~ of midnight, menjelang tengah malam; 2. approximation, semblance, hampir sama: the account makes some ~ to truth, cerita itu hampir sama dgn yg sebenarnya; a fair ~ to accuracy, hampir tepat; 3. access, jalan masuk: trees line the ~ to the palace, pokok-pokok berderet di sepanjang jalan masuk ke istana; ~ road, jalan tuju;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
floatvi 1. a. rest on water, mengapung, timbul; (of person) mengapung; (ref to state) terapung; (with bobbing motion) terapung-apung: cork ~s in water, gabus timbul dlm air; he can ~ for hours, dia boleh mengapung berjam-jam lamanya; the leaves of the water-lilies ~ ing on the pond give protection to insects and fish, daun-daun teratai yg terapung di kolam itu memberikan perlindungan pd serangga dan ikan; the body was found ~ing in the harbour, mayat itu dijumpai terapung-apung di pelabuhan; b. rest in air, mengapung: a cloud of dust ~ed in the air, kepulan habuk mengapung di udara;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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