issue | n 1. matter being discussed, in dispute, isu, persoalan: nuclear disarmament is one of the great ~s of today, perlucutan senjata nuklear ialah salah satu isu yg penting hari ini; the point he just raised is not apropos to the ~ under debate, perkara yg ditimbulkannya tdk berkenaan dgn isu yg diperdebatkan; can you please tell me what exactly is the ~?, bolehkah saudara memberitahu saya isu sebenarnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deprivation | n 1. preventing from enjoying, possessing, tdk + approp v: the ~ of civil rights, tdk mendapat hak-hak sivil; 2. taking away a. (of possession) perampasan; b. (of eyesight etc) hilangnya; c. (right, privilege, membership) pelucutan; 3. fact, instance of being deprived, a. (of possession) rampasan; b. (of eyesight etc) kehilangan; c. (of right, privilege, membership) perlucutan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |