Maklumat Kata

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lumba (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan perlawanan, peraduan, pertandingan;,
Kata Terbitan : berlumba-lumba, berlumba-lumbaan, memperlumbakan, perlumbaan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

inb. committed to take part in, akan /menyertai, mengambil bahagian dlm, ikut serta dlm/: Thailand is ~ for the 1,000 metres, negeri Thai akan menyertai perlumbaan 1,000 meter; /be, get/ ~ on, (colloq) bersama-sama dlm: they were ~ on the scheme from the beginning, mereka bersama-sama dlm rancangan itu sejak mula lagi; be (well) ~ with, (colloq) buat baik: he’s ~ with all the big wigs in the company, dia buat baik dgn semua orang besar syarikat itu; have it ~ for so., (colloq) dendam pd sso: he has it ~ for the new clerk, dia dendam pd erani baru itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fixturen 1. thing fixed in position, lekapan: bathroom ~s, lekapan-lekapan bilik mandi; 2. a. sporting event for which the date has been fixed, perlawanan; (race) perlumbaan: a list of motor racing ~s, senarai perlumbaan kereta; b. date appointed for match, race, tarikh /perlawanan, perlumbaan/; 3. (colloq) person, thing regarded as fixed in a place, penunggu: he has become a ~ at the university, dia menjadi penunggu di universiti itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
last 1 adj 1. coming after all others in time or order, terakhir, penghabisan: the ~ car in the race, kereta yg terakhir dlm perlumbaan itu; the ~ two people to arrive, dua orang yg terakhir tiba; the ~ day of the month, hari penghabisan dlm bulan itu; the ~ time I went up there the road was good, kali terakhir saya pergi ke tempat itu jalannya baik; the ~ five pages of the novel, lima muka surat terakhir novel itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
associatevt 1. mentally connect, mengaitkan, menghubungkan: to ~ the arms race with superpower rivalry, mengaitkan perlumbaan senjata dgn persaingan kuasa besar; 2. bring into partnership etc, menyekutukan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
last 1 adv 1. after all others, /akhir, penghabisan/ sekali: he is to speak ~ at the meeting, dia akan bercakap akhir sekali dlm mesyuarat itu; he came ~ in the race, dia tiba akhir sekali dlm perlumbaan itu; 2. most recently, kali terakhir: she was ill when I ~ saw her, dia sakit sewaktu kali terakhir saya berjumpa dengannya; when were you ~ in Paris?, bila kali terakhir kamu di Paris?; 3. finally, akhir sekali, akhirnya: ~, let’s consider the cost, akhirnya, mari kita timbangkan perbelanjaannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
adjudgevt 1. decide, declare, memutuskan: the jury ~d him guilty, juri memutuskan dia bersalah; to be ~d the winner of the race, diputuskan sbg pemenang perlumbaan itu; 2. order, pronounce by law, menghukum; 3. award, memberikan: to ~ damages, memberikan ganti rugi; to ~ a prize to so., memberikan hadiah kpd sso.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
commentaryn 1. written collection of comments on book etc, ulasan, komentar; 2. spoken comments, description of an event, ulasan: the broadcast ~ on the race, siaran ulasan perlumbaan itu; a running ~, ulasan selari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gon 1. (colloq) energy, vigour, tenaga: he’s full of ~, dia banyak tenaga; at the end of the race he still had plenty of ~ in him, di akhir perlumbaan itu dia masih mempunyai banyak tenaga; 2. (colloq) turn, giliran: it’s my ~ next, giliran saya lepas ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conservevt 1. keep from being lost, wasted, destroyed, menyimpan; (electricity or apparatus producing it) menjimatkan; (forest etc) memulihara: he ~d his energy for the race, dia menyimpan tenaganya utk perlumbaan itu; we must ~ our natural resources, kita mesti menyimpan sumber semula jadi kita; we switched off the air-conditioner and cassette player to ~ the car battery, kami memadamkan alat hawa dingin dan pemain kaset utk menjimatkan kuasa bateri kereta; the measures taken to ~ our tropical rain forest, langkah-langkah yg diambil utk memelihara hutan hujan tropika kita; 2. preserve by cooking with sugar, membuat jem: to ~ fruits, membuat jem drpd buah-buahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
finishn 1. last stage or part, bahagian /akhir, penghabisan/: I missed the ~ of the football match, saya tdk melihat bahagian penghabisan perlawanan bola sepak itu; 2. end, berakhir: it was a very close ~ between Cramm, Ovett and Said Aouita, perlumbaan antara Cramm, Ovett dan Said Aouita berakhir dgn saingan rapat antara mereka; 3. appearance, texture, etc of surface, kemasan: a 19th-century piano with a beautiful ~, piano kurun ke-19 yg kemasannya cantik sekali;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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