consort | n 1. wife of monarch, permaisuri; 2. husband of monarch, suami; 3. ship escorting another, kapal pengiring; 4. (mus) konsot; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greet | she ~ed her mother with a smile, dia menyambut ibunya dgn senyuman; the queen was ~ed by hundreds of schoolchildren waving small flags, permaisuri disambut oleh ratusan murid sekolah yg melambaikan bendera kecil; his election victory was ~ed by thundering applause from his supporters, kemenangannya dlm pilihan raya disambut dgn tepuk sorak yg gemuruh; 2. receive in a certain manner, menyambut: the news was ~ed with great joy, berita itu disambut dgn gembira sekali; their presence was ~ed by angry stares, kehadiran mereka disambut dgn | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attendance | n 1. esp in ~, a. (esp on royalty) mengiringi: to be in ~ upon the Queen, mengiringi Permaisuri; b. (esp at a hospital) memberikan rawatan: there was no doctor in ~, tdk ada doktor yg memberikan rawatan; 2. being present, kehadiran, hadir: ~ at school, kehadiran di sekolah; ~ book, buku kedatangan; ~ register, daftar kedatangan; 3. number of times so. attends school etc, hadir: she missed at least four ~s this month, dia tdk hadir sekurang-kurangnya empat kali dlm bulan ini; 4. number of persons present, bilangan yg hadir: the ~ was greater than expected, bilangan yg hadir lebih besar drpd yg diduga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commision | vt 1. charge with task, duty, menugasi: an architect was ~ed to plan their new house, seorang arkitek ditugaskan utk merancang rumah baru mereka; 2. place special order for, memesan supaya [sst] + approp v: the queen ~ed a portrait of the two princesses, permaisuri memesan supaya potret kedua-dua orang puteri itu dilukis; to ~ a piece of music for the ceremony, memesan supaya sebuah lagu digubah utk upacara itu; 3. put into active service, melengkapkan: to ~ a ship, melengkapkan sebuah kapal; 4. (mil) mentauliahkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halo | n 1. circle of light around moon, sun, halo; 2. circle of light drawn around Christ, saint, gambaran lingkaran cahaya; 3. (fig.) aura of glory etc around so. or st, suasana (+ approp n): the discovery of new documents shattered the ~ of romance surrounding King Arthur, penemuan dokumen-dokumen baru menghancurkan suasana romans yg menyelubungi Raja Arthur; the ~ surrounding kings and queens, suasana kebesaran yg melingkungi raja-raja dan permaisuri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |