enmity | n (hostility) permusuhan; (hatred) kebencian, rasa benci: there is ~ between the two tribes, terdapat permusuhan antara dua puak itu; she felt no ~ towards her rival, dia tdk menyimpan rasa benci terhadap pesaingnya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hostility | n 1. ill will, enmity, permusuhan: such an action will only arouse feelings of ~, tindakan spt itu hanya akan membangkitkan perasaan permusuhan; 2. opposition, penentangan: he showed no ~ to the suggestion, dia tdk menunjukkan sebarang penentangan thdp saranan itu; 3. (in pl) fighting, battle, pertempuran: the outbreak of hostilities, meletusnya pertempuran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feud | n a. bitter hostility, (between families, groups, etc) persengketaan, permusuhan; (between two individuals) perseteruan, permusuhan: family ~s, persengketaan keluarga; carry on a ~, bermusuhan; (of families, clans) bersengketa, bermusuhan; (of individuals) berseteru, bermusuhan; b. dispute, pertelingkahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bad blood | n perasaan permusuhan, perseteruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cease | vt 1. bring to an end, menghentikan: to ~ hostilities, menghentikan permusuhan; to ~ publication of the magazine, menghentikan penerbitan majalah itu; the factory has ~d to produce leather goods, kilang itu telah menghentikan pengeluaran barang-barang kulit; 2. desist from, tdk lagi; (imper) berhenti: they have ~d to be full-time members of the club, mereka tdk lagi menjadi ahli penuh masa kelab itu; the unit has ~d to exist, unit itu tdk lagi wujud; they have ~d quarrelling, mereka tdk lagi bergaduh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
amity | n persahabatan: for the two rivals ~ quickly changed to enmity, bagi kedua-dua saingan itu persahabatan dgn cepat bertukar menjadi permusuhan; tariff agreements promoted ~ between the two countries, persetujuan tarif menggalakkan persahabatan antara kedua-dua negara itu; treaty of ~, persetiaan persahabatan; in ~, secara /bersahabat, berbaik-baik/: to part in ~, berpisah secara bersahabat; in ~ with, /bersahabat, berbaik-baik/ dgn: he resolved to live in ~ with his neighbours, dia berazam utk hidup berbaik-baik dgn jiran-jirannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
last 1 | vi, 1. often ~ for, continue to exist, happen during specified time, berpanjangan, berlanjutan: their enmity ~ed several years, permusuhan mereka berlanjutan beberapa tahun; peace did not ~ long, keamanan tdk lama berpanjangan; the lecture ~ed for two hours, syarahan itu berlanjutan selama dua jam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
animosity | n 1. resentment, perasaan marah, kemarahan: the action of the council aroused the ~ of the locals, tindakan majlis itu menimbulkan kemarahan penduduk tempatan; 2. enmity, permusuhan, perseteruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appeasement | n 1. policy of acceding to demands of aggressor, dasar beralah; 2. act of, a. (calming, settling) peredaan: the ~ of the feud between the neighbouring states, peredaan permusuhan antara dua negeri yg berjiran; b. (pacifying) penenteraman, penenangan: a sacrifice offered for the ~ of the gods, korban yg dipersembahkan utk penenteraman dewa-dewa; c. (allaying) peredaan: the ~ of his fury, peredaan perasaan marahnya; d. (satisfying) memuaskan; (hunger, thirst) menghilangkan: a large meal for the ~ of his appetite, makanan yg banyak utk memuaskan seleranya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
growing | adj 1. a. (in size) sedang membesar: usually a ~ child has a good appetite, biasanya, budak-budak yg sedang membesar mempunyai selera makan yg baik; b. (in number), (semakin) bertambah: a ~ population, bilangan yg semakin bertambah; c. (in degree) semakin /+ approp adj, bertambah /: the ~ animosity between them, permusuhan yg semakin mendalam antara mereka; 2. rel to, suitable for growth, pertumbuhan: ~ season, musim pertumbuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |