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satu (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan tunggal, esa, ahad, eka, se, ganjil;,
Kata Terbitan : satu-satunya, bersatu, menyatukan, menyatupadukan, kesatuan, persatuan, berpersatuan, penyatu, penyatuan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

associationn 1. society, league, etc, persatuan: Parent-Teacher A~, Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru; the Football A~ of Malaysia, Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia; 2. act of associating, state of being associated, a. (between persons) perhubungan: her parents disapproved of the ~ between them, ibu bapanya tdk bersetuju dgn perhubungan mereka; throughout his long ~ with the firm..., sepanjang perhubungannya dgn firma itu...; b. (between things), (per)kaitan, hubungan: the diagram illustrates the ~ between the brain and the spinal cord, gambar rajah itu menunjukkan perkaitan antara otak dgn saraf tunjang; 3. friendship, companionship, perhubungan: our ~ did not last long, perhubungan kami tdk kekal lama; 4. mental connection, perkaitan: the ~ of ideas, perkaitan idea-idea; Malacca is full of historic ~s, negeri Melaka penuh dgn perkaitan sejarah; 5. (psychol) perkaitan; 6. (chem) penyekutuan: ~ reaction, tindak balas penyekutuan; ~ theory, teori penyekutuan; 7. (ecol) sekutuan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brotherhoodn 1. state of being brothers, persaudaraan; 2. brotherly comradeship, persaudaraan, keikhwanan: the ~ of men, persaudaraan antara manusia; 3. association of people with common purpose etc, persatuan, kumpulan: the medical ~, persatuan perubatan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
assoc.abbrev 1. associate, rakan; 2. association, persatuan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dramaticadj 1. connected with drama or the theatre, drama: a ~ society, persatuan drama; the ~ works of the 50’s, karya-karya drama tahun 50-an; 2. exciting, sudden, impressive, (secara) dramatik: there has been a ~ change in the political situation, terdapat perubahan yg dramatik dlm situasi politik; contrary to expectations, the patient made a ~ recovery, bertentangan dgn apa yg dijangka, pesakit itu pulih secara dramatik; 3. theatrical, (secara, dgn) dramatik; (of person) suka berdrama, dramatik: she made her ~ entrance in a stunning silk designer gown, dia masuk secara dramatik dgn memakai gaun sutera pereka fesyen yg mengagumkan; he paused, then threw up his hands in a ~ gesture, dia berhenti sejenak, kemudian mengangkat tangannya dgn gerak isyarat yg dramatik; is he always this ~?, adakah dia selalu suka berdrama begini?.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
chartervt 1. grant charter to, memberi piagam: the society was ~ed in 1769, persatuan itu telah diberi piagam dlm tahun 1769; 2. hire, mencarter: they ~ed a bus for the trip to the east coast, mereka mencarter sebuah bas utk perjalanan ke pantai timur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
actvi 1. take action, bertindak: the association called on the government to ~ quickly, persatuan itu menggesa kerajaan supaya bertindak segera; 2. have an effect, bertindak: snake venom ~s on the nervous system, bisa ular bertindak atas sistem saraf; 3. perform (in film, play, etc) berlakon: Hitchcock usually ~s in his own films, Hitchcock biasanya berlakon dlm filem-filem arahannya sendiri; 4. function, berfungsi; (of brake) makan: the pump is not ~ing as it should, pam itu tdk berfungsi dgn sempurna; the fuse ~s as a switch, fius itu berfungsi sbg suis;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dispensevt 1. distribute, apportion, membahagi-bahagikan, mengagih-agihkan; (from a dispenser) mendispens: the Red Crescent ~d food to the flood victims, Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah membahagi-bahagikan makanan kpd mangsa banjir; to ~ alms, membahagi-bahagikan sedekah; a machine that ~s liquid soap, mesin yg mendispens sabun cecair; 2. administer, melaksanakan, menjalankan: to ~ justice, melaksanakan keadilan; 3. prepare and give out (medicine) mendispens;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
helpn 1. assistance, pertolongan, bantuan; (from God) pertolongan: the refugees received ~ from the Red Crescent, orang-orang pelarian itu menerima pertolongan dr Persatuan Bulan Sabit Merah; we will survive the crisis with God’s ~, kita akan dapat mengatasi krisis ini dgn pertolongan Tuhan; 2. assistant, servant, pembantu: domestic ~ is hard to find, pembantu rumah sukar dicari;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
incorporationn 1. making part of a whole, penggabungan, menggabungkan: they voted for the ~ of the club into the University Union, mereka mengundi utk menggabungkan elab itu ke dlm Persatuan Universiti; the ~ of some of his more orthodox ideas into the scheme, penggabungan gagasannya yg lebih ortodoks ke dlm rancangan itu; 2. (US) forming into corporation, pemerbadanan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aidn 1. help, assistance, bantuan, pertolongan: the Red Crescent provided ~ for the homeless, Pasukan Bulan Sabit Merah memberi bantuan kpd mereka yg kehilangan tempat tinggal; mutual ~ society, persatuan bantuan bersama; 2. helper, pembantu, penolong; 3. st that helps, alat bantu: visual ~, alat bantu pandang; teaching ~s, alat bantu mengajar; the grinder is a useful ~ in the kitchen, pengisar ialah alat bantu yg berguna di dapur;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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