schooling | 2. cost of tuition, maintenance, etc of pupil in school, persekolahan: their grandfather offered to pay for their ~, datuk kanak-kanak itu menawarkan utk membiayai persekolahan mereka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
school year | n academic year, tahun persekolahan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
school days | n (esp when looking back) zaman persekolahan; during so’s ~, semasa sso bersekolah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | ~ with, diakhiri dgn: the school year ~ed with a concert and prize-giving, tahun persekolahan itu diakhiri dgn konsert dan pemberian hadiah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
higher | adj 1. compar of HIGH; 2. more advanced, tinggi: ~ school certificate, sijil tinggi persekolahan; ~ degree, ijazah tinggi; 3. (biol) peringkat tinggi: ~ animals, haiwan peringkat tinggi; ~ plants, tumbuhan peringkat tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
stay 1 | ~ with, a. be a guest of, duduk dgn: come and ~ with us during your school holidays, marilah duduk dgn kami semasa cuti persekolahan kamu; b. continue to work for so., bekerja /di, dgn/: he has ~ed with the firm ever since it started, dia telah bekerja dgn syarikat itu sejak ditubuhkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Monday | n (hari) Isnin; (in pl), /tiap-tiap, setiap/ hari Isnin: the advertisement was in ~’s “Malay Mail”, iklan itu muncul dlm akhbar “Malay Mail” keluaran hari Isnin; school starts on ~, persekolahan bermula pd hari Isnin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
reissue | n 1. act of issuing, pengeluaran semula; (of book, magazine, etc) penerbitan semula; 2. resumption of giving out again, pengeluaran semula: the ~ of story books to members is planned to coincide with the first day of the school holidays, pengeluaran semula buku-buku cerita dirancangkan serentak dgn hari pertama cuti persekolahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
duration | n jangka masa, tempoh; for the ~, sehingga sst + approp v: since their house is still under repair, the whole family will be here for the ~, oleh sebab rumah mereka masih sedang dibaiki, seluruh keluarga akan berada di sini sehingga kerja pembaikan selesai; for the ~ of, sepanjang: he’ll be a boarder for the ~ of the school term, dia akan tinggal di asrama sepanjang penggal persekolahan; of /long, short/~, memakan masa yg lama, sekejap sahaja: the performance was only of short ~, persembahan itu sekejap sahaja; of /two, three, etc /years’ ~, utk /jangka masa, tempoh/ /dua, tiga/ tahun, selama /dua, tiga, dll/ tahun. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |