Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[] | ڤرسوءالن

Definisi : 1. sesuatu yg dipersoalkan, masa­lah: semakin hari ~ wanita semakin menjadi bertambah menarik; 2. pembicaraan, per­bahasan, perbincangan; (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[] | ڤرسوءالن

Definisi : sesuatu yg dipersoalkan; masalah. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Kata Terbitan : menyoal, mempersoalkan, persoalan, soalan,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

arise~ /from, out of/, timbul /akibat, drpd/: questions arising from the minutes, persoalan-persoalan yg timbul drpd minit mesyuarat itu; the many diseases that ~ from bad sanitation, penyakit-penyakit yg timbul drpd keadaan tdk bersih.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
issueat ~, in dispute, dipersoalkan, menjadi /isu, persoalan/: the effectiveness of the new curriculum is not the point at ~, keberkesanan kurikulum baru bukanlah perkara yg menjadi persoalan; make an ~ of (st), menjadikan (sst) sbg /isu, persoalan/: it was only an minor error and should not be made an ~ of, itu cuma kesilapan kecil dan tdk seharusnya dijadikan sbg isu; /take, join/ ~ with /so., st/, membantah pendapat /sso, sst/: I would like to take ~ with you on that point, saya ingin membantah pendapat kamu ttg perkara itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
issue /cloud, confuse/ the ~, mengelirukan /isu, persoalan/; /evade, duck/ the ~, mengelak drpd sst /isu, persoalan/; 2. result, consequence, hasil + approp n: we await the ~ with interest, kami menunggu hasil perbincangan itu dgn penuh minat; 3. st put forth, produced, supplied, (of newspaper, magazine, etc) terbitan; (of stamp) keluaran; (of shares, bonds, etc) terbitan; (of uniform, firearms, etc) bekalan: he has a copy of the first ~ of the paper, dia mempunyai senaskhah terbitan pertama akhbar tersebut; she usually buys samples of each new stamp ~, dia selalunya membeli contoh setiap setem keluaran baru; new share ~s, terbitan saham baru;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cruxn crucial point, pokok: the ~ of the matter, pokok persoalan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
issuen 1. matter being discussed, in dispute, isu, persoalan: nuclear disarmament is one of the great ~s of today, perlucutan senjata nuklear ialah salah satu isu yg penting hari ini; the point he just raised is not apropos to the ~ under debate, perkara yg ditimbulkannya tdk berkenaan dgn isu yg diperdebatkan; can you please tell me what exactly is the ~?, bolehkah saudara memberitahu saya isu sebenarnya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disputen pertikaian: a heated ~ over the question of arms sale, pertikaian yg hangat ttg persoalan penjualan senjata; a border ~, pertikaian sempadan; an industrial ~, pertikaian perindustrian; a matter of ~, perkara yg boleh dipertikaikan; beyond ~, tdk boleh /dipertikaikan, dipersoalkan/ lagi; in ~, (sedang) /dipertikaikan, dipersoalkan/;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
altogetheradv 1. entirely, completely, sama sekali: this is a different question ~, ini persoalan yg lain sama sekali; 2. on the whole, pd /keseluruhannya, umumnya/: ~ this school compares favourably with the others, pd keseluruhannya sekolah ini lebih baik jika dibandingkan dgn sekolah-sekolah yg lain; 3. in all, semua sekali: how much is that ~?, berapa harganya semua sekali?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
labourvt deal with too exhaustively, bercakap dgn panjang lebar ttg: there’s no need to ~ the issue, tdk perlu bercakap dgn panjang lebar ttg persoalan itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
appropriatelyadv sesuai: to be ~ dressed, memakai pakaian yg sesuai; a formal style ~ chosen for the subject, gaya formal yg dipilih sesuai dgn pokok persoalan; a hospital that is ~ named after its founder, hospital yg diberi nama yg sesuai sempena nama pengasasnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
intractableadj 1. not docile, hard to influence or control, sukar dipengaruhi; (attrib) keras kepala: on that particular issue, Sarah was ~, ttg persoalan itu, Sarah sukar dipengaruhi; an ~ boy, budak yg keras kepala; 2. difficult to solve, deal with, cure, treat, a. (of problem, issue, etc) sukar diselesaikan; b. (of illness) sukar /diubati, disembuhkan/; c. (of temper) sukar dikawal.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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