clash | n 1. loud, jarring noise, bunyi gemerencang lagaan: the ~ of swords, bunyi gemerencang lagaan pedang; 2. conflict, pertentangan; (of ideas, opinions, interests) pertentangan, percanggahan; (of colours) tdk kena: a personality ~, pertentangan personaliti; 3. skirmish, pertempuran: a border ~, pertempuran sempadan; 4. argument, pertelingkahan: the constant ~es between the two leaders, pertelingkahan yg sering berlaku antara kedua-dua pemimpin itu; 5. instance of two events etc happening at the same time, pertembungan: there is a ~ in my timetable, berlaku pertembungan dlm jadual saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disagreement | n 1. difference of opinion, /percanggahan, pertentangan / pendapat: ~ on matters of policy, pertentangan pendapat ttg perkara-perkara dasar; 2. disparity, percanggahan: ~ between the two testimonials, percanggahan antara dua testimonial itu; 3. dispute, quarrel, perselisihan (faham): she left home after a ~ with her parents, dia meninggalkan rumah selepas perselisihan faham dgn ibu bapanya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antagonism | n 1. state of being opposed to st, pertentangan: the ~ between different social classes, pertentangan antara kelas sosial yg berbeza; feel (an) ~ /for, towards/, berasa benci akan; in ~ to, bertentangan dgn; 2. (biochem & physiol) antagonisme, penentangan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
collision | n 1. act, instance of colliding, perlanggaran: the ~ occurred at the corner, perlanggaran itu berlaku di selekoh itu; 2. clash, percanggahan, pertentangan: a ~ of opinions, percanggahan pendapat; 3. (phys) perlanggaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conflict | n 1. fighting, battle, pertempuran: armed ~, pertempuran bersenjata; 2. struggle, controversy, konflik, pertikaian, persengketaan: the ~ between the superpowers, pertikaian antara kuasa-kuasa besar; the ~ between the church and the state, persengketaan antara pihak gereja dgn pihak kerajaan; 3. opposition, difference, konflik, percanggahan, pertentangan: a ~ of ideas, percanggahan idea; a ~ of interests, konflik kepentingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
difference | n 1. dissimilarity, perbezaan: soil and climatic ~s, perbezaan iklim dan tanah; there’s a world of ~ between them , terdapat perbezaan yg besar antara mereka; a ~ of opinion, perbezaan pendapat; 2. distinguishing quality, feature, perbezaan: there are many ~s between the two languages, terdapat banyak perbezaan antara kedua-dua bahasa itu; 3. significant change, perbezaan: I noticed a ~ in his attitude, saya nampak ada perbezaan pd sikapnya; 4. disagreement, /perselisihan, perbezaan, pertentangan/ pendapat: they have settled their ~s, mereka telah menyelesaikan perselisihan antara mereka; 5. (math) amount by which quantities differ, beza, selisih: the ~ between the two numbers is 48, beza antara kedua-dua nombor itu ialah 48; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |