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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata perumahan 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

housingn 1. provision of house, flat, etc as living quarters, penyediaan tempat tinggal: the ~ of all the participants, penyediaan tempat tinggal kesemua peserta itu; 2. accomodation, perumahan: ~ allowance, elaun perumahan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cutbackn 1. reduction, pengurangan: a ~ in housing allowances, pengurangan elaun perumahan; 2. (cinemat) kat balik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
amenityn 1. facilities which make life pleasant, kemudahan: the housing estate has excellent amenities, kawasan perumahan itu mempunyai kemudahan yg amat baik; 2. pleasantness,(of place) keselesaan: the ~ of the countryside, keselesaan di kawasan desa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boom1n 1. loud, resonant sound, a. (of gun, thunder, etc) dentuman; b. (of wave, the sea, etc) deburan: the ~ of the sea, deburan ombak; 2. deep, hollow cry (esp of the bittern) dengutan; 3. (period of) rapid growth or expansion, ledakan; (of period of time) keadaan ekonomi melambung: the housing ~, ledakan perumahan; the baby ~, ledakan kelahiran; he made his fortune during the ~, dia menjadi kaya semasa keadaan ekonomi melambung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cryingadj 1. that cries, menangis: he tried to comfort the ~ child, dia mencuba menenangkan anak yg sedang menangis itu; 2. demanding notice, remedy, [various translations]: the most ~ need at the moment is housing, keperluan yg amat mendesak buat masa sekarang ialah perumahan; the appalling living conditions in the estates are a ~ shame, keadaan hidup yg teruk di ladang-ladang amat memalukan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
estaten 1. a. piece of land in the country with a large house on it and one owner, estet: he owns an ~ near Leeds, dia memiliki estet berhampiran dgn Leeds; b. (UK) large area of land on which factories, houses, etc are built, kawasan: the Senawang Industrial E~, Kawasan Perindustrian Senawang; a housing ~, kawasan perumahan; 2. (leg.) a. all the money and property left behind by a deceased person, harta pusaka; b. all the money and property belonging to a living person, estet; 3. plantation, ladang; 4. (fml & old-fashioned) standing, kedudukan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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