budget | n 1. annual estimate of revenue and expenditure, belanjawan; 2. estimate of income and domestic expenditure, peruntukan /belanja, perbelanjaan/: a weekly ~ for a family of five, peruntukan belanja mingguan utk keluarga yg terdiri drpd lima orang; 3. amount allocated for a specific purpose, peruntukan: the ~ for the building was $4 million, peruntukan utk bangunan itu ialah $4 juta; 4. (attrib) inexpensive, murah: ~ meals, makanan murah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allowance | n 1. limited quantity, sum given regularly, a. (of money) elaun: he gave his son an ~ of M$200 a month, dia memberi anak lelakinya elaun M$200 sebulan; the ~ for groceries was M$50, elaun utk keperluan dapur ialah M$50; b. (of food etc) peruntukan: ~s in kind, peruntukan dlm bentuk barang; 2. discount, reduction, potongan: an ~ of 10% is made for cash payments, potongan sebanyak 10% diberikan bagi setiap bayaran tunai; 3. money for special expenses, elaun: entertainment ~, elaun keraian; travelling ~, elaun perjalanan; 4. sanction, permission, keizinan; 5. st allowed, peruntukan: free baggage ~, peruntukan bagasi percuma; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appropriation | n 1. act of, a. (taking esp without permission) pengambilan, mengambil: the ~ of monastic lands continued, pengambilan tanah biara berterusan; b. (putting aside, assigning) penguntukan: the committee agreed on the ~ of $50,000 for the project, jawatankuasa itu bersetuju dgn penguntukan sebanyak $50,000 bagi projek itu; 2. money set aside, peruntukan: to make an ~ for a new highway, membuat peruntukan bagi sebuah lebuh raya yg baru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allocation | n 1. act of allocating, penguntukan; (of duty, responsibility) pengagihan, penguntukan: the ~ of funds for the project, penguntukan wang utk projek itu; 2. st allocated, peruntukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
depreciation | n 1. lowering of value, susut nilai: ~ of stocks, susut nilai stok; 2. allowance made for wear and tear, susut nilai: provision for ~ has affected profit, peruntukan bagi susut nilai telah menjejaskan keuntungan; 3. disparagement, memperkecil-kecil: remarks made in ~ of o’s rival, kata-kata yg memperkecil-kecil pihak lawan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
budget | vi 1. make annual estimate for revenue and expenditure, menyediakan belanjawan: the university had ~ed for the coming year, universiti itu telah menyediakan belanjawan utk tahun yg akan datang; 2. make estimate of income and domestic expenditure, membuat peruntukan /belanja, perbelanjaan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breakage | n 1. act or instance of breaking, pecah(nya): bad packing caused the ~s, membungkus dgn tdk baik menyebabkan barang itu pecah; 2. loss by breaking, kerugian barang pecah: hotels make allowance for ~s, hotel membuat peruntukan bagi kerugian barang-barang pecah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
allotment | n 1. act of, a. (distributing by lot) pengumpukan; b. (designating for a particular purpose) penguntukan; (of duty, responsibility, etc) memberikan: the ~ of time to each participant, penguntukan masa bagi setiap peserta; 2. st alloted, peruntukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
decide | vt 1. reach a decision, memutuskan: they haven’t ~d what to do with the money, mereka belum memutuskan apa yg hendak dibuat dgn wang itu; it was ~d that ..., telah diputuskan bahawa ...; 2. settle, memutuskan: the issue has been ~d, perkara itu telah diputuskan; a jury will ~ the case, juri akan memutuskan kes itu; 3. influence outcome, conclusion of, menentukan kesudahan; ( issue, matter, etc) mempengaruhi keputusan ttg: the arrival of reinforcements ~d the battle, ketibaan pasukan bantuan merupakan faktor yg menentukan kesudahan pertempuran itu; the availability of funds will finally ~ the issue, ada tidaknya peruntukan wang akan mempengaruhi keputusan ttg isu itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |