belly | n 1. abdomen, perut; 2. stomach, perut: an empty ~, perut kosong; 3. deep, hollow interior of st, perut: a ship’s ~, perut kapal; 4. part that bulges, bahagian [n] yg /menggelembung, mengembung, menggembung/: the ~ of a sail, bahagian layar yg menggelembung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | n 1. (in pl) insides, isi perut; 2. (anat) intestine, usus; 3. ( in pl), (colloq) bowels or intestines, perut: I got a terrible pain in my ~s, perut saya sakit betul; 4. (in pl), (colloq) inside parts of (machine, building, etc) isi perut: the ~s of the computer, isi perut komputer; 5. (in pl), (colloq) berani: he doesn’t have the ~s to fight us, dia tak berani melawan kita; 6. (colloq) stomach esp when it sticks out, perut (buncit): his huge beer ~, perutnya yg buncit krn banyak minum bir; 7. also greedy guts (in pl), (colloq) glutton, pelahap; 8. string made from intestines of an animal (used for violin, tennis racket, etc) gat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
funk | n (colloq) 1. also blue funk, state of great fear, kecut perut; be in a ~ kecut perut; get into a ~, naik kecut perut; put so. into a ~, /menjadikan, membuat/ [sso] kecut perut; 2. coward, pengecut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
funk | vt (usu pass.) kecut perut: she ~ed telling them the truth, dia kecut perut hendak memberitahu mereka yg sebenar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ about, be helpless with laughter, etawa pecah perut: they fell about when the clowns appeared, mereka ketawa pecah perut apabila badut itu muncul; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | vt 1. remove insides of, clean, membuang (isi) perut: to ~ a chicken, membuang isi perut ayam; 2. destroy the inside of, (act.) memusnahkan bahagian dalam; (pass.) bahagian dalam musnah: the warehouse was completely ~ted by fire, bahagian dalam gudang itu musnah dijilat api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glut | ~ os, over-indulge os with food, satiate os, mengisi perut sso sekenyang-kenyangnya: he ~ted himself with good food and wine, dia mengisi perut sekenyang-kenyangnya dgn wain dan makanan yg sedap-sedap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bowel | n 1. intestine, usus; 2. (usu in pl) innards, entrails, isi perut; the ~s of the earth, perut bumi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | n 1. inner side, bahagian dalam; (of fruit) isi: the ~ is lined with silk, bahagian dalamnya dilapik dgn sutera; the ~ of the stomach, bahagian dalam perut; the ~ of a mangosteen, isi manggis; 2. side of path etc furthest from the road, (in country where drivers drive on the left) di sebelah kiri; (in country where drivers drive on the right) di sebelah kanan: keep to the ~ of the road, jalan di sebelah kiri jalan; 3. (usu in pl), (colloq) the stomach, perut: his ~s are all upset, dia tdk sedap perut; a cow’s ~s, perut lembu; 4. lane of circular race-track furthest from the outside of the circle, lorong dalam; 5. (of leg, arm, thigh) bahagian sebelah dalam; (of forearm, calves) perut: the ~s of his thighs were red and sore, bahagian sebelah dalam pahanya merah dan melecet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heartless | adj tdk berhati perut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |