belly | <i>ni> 1. <i>abdomen,i> perut; 2. <i>stomach, perut: an empty ~,i> perut kosong; 3. <i>deep, hollow interior of st,i> perut: <i>a ship’s ~,i> perut kapal; 4. <i>part that bulges,i> bahagian <i>[n]i> yg /menggelembung, mengembung, menggembung/: <i>the ~ of a sail,i> bahagian layar yg menggelembung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | <i>ni> 1. (<i>in pli>) insides, isi perut; 2. (<i>anati>) <i>intestinei>, usus; 3. ( <i>in pli>), (<i>colloqi>) <i>bowels or intestinesi>, perut: <i>I got a terrible pain in my ~si>, perut saya sakit betul; 4. (<i>in pli>), (<i>colloqi>) <i>inside parts ofi> (<i>machine, building, etci>) isi perut: <i>the ~s of the computeri>, isi perut komputer; 5. (<i>in pli>), (<i>colloqi>) berani: <i>he doesn’t have the ~s to fight usi>, dia tak berani melawan kita; 6. (<i>colloqi>) <i>stomach esp when it sticks outi>, perut (buncit): <i>his huge beer ~i>, perutnya yg buncit krn banyak minum bir; 7. <i>alsoi> greedy guts (<i>in pli>), (<i>colloqi>) <i>gluttoni>, pelahap; 8. <i>string made from intestines of an animali> (<i>used for violin, tennis racket, etci>) gat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
funk | <i>ni> (<i>colloqi>) 1. <i>alsoi> blue funk, <i>state of great feari>, kecut perut; be in a ~ kecut perut; get into a ~, naik kecut perut; put so. into a ~, /menjadikan, membuat/ [sso] kecut perut; 2. <i>cowardi>, pengecut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | <i>ni> 1. <i>inner side,i> bahagian dalam; (<i>of fruiti>) isi: <i>the ~ is lined with silk,i> bahagian dalamnya dilapik dgn sutera; <i>the ~ of the stomach,i> bahagian dalam perut; <i>the ~ of a mangosteen,i> isi manggis; 2. <i>side of path etc furthest from the road,i> (<i>in country where drivers drive on the lefti>) di sebelah kiri; (<i>in country where drivers drive on the righti>) di sebelah kanan: <i>keep to the ~ of the road,i> jalan di sebelah kiri jalan; 3. (<i>usu in pli>), (<i>colloqi>) <i>the stomach,i> perut: <i>his ~s are all upset,i> dia tdk sedap perut; <i>a cow’s ~s,i> perut lembu; 4. <i>lane of circular race-track furthest from the outside of the circle,i> lorong dalam; 5. (<i>of leg, arm, thighi>) bahagian sebelah dalam; (<i>of forearm, calvesi>) perut: <i>the ~s of his thighs were red and sore,i> bahagian sebelah dalam pahanya merah dan melecet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | <i>vti> 1. <i>remove insides of, cleani>, membuang (isi) perut: <i>to ~ a chickeni>, membuang isi perut ayam; 2. <i>destroy the inside ofi>, (<i>act.i>) memusnahkan bahagian dalam; (<i>pass.i>) bahagian dalam musnah: <i>the warehouse was completely ~ted by firei>, bahagian dalam gudang itu musnah dijilat api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bowel | <i>ni> 1. <i>intestine,i> usus; 2. (<i>usu in pli>) <i>innards, entrails,i> isi perut; the ~s of the earth, perut bumi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convulse | <i>vti> 1. (<i>usu pass.i>) <i>cause to shake violently,i> (<i>with feveri>) terkokol-kokol; (<i>with paini>) terkejang-kejang; (<i>with laughteri>) pecah perut; (<i>with angeri>) menggigil-gigil: <i>the patient was ~d by high fever,i> pesakit itu terkokol-kokol krn demam panas; <i>he was ~d with rage when told about the incident,i> badannya menggigil-gigil krn terlalu marah apabila diberitahu ttg peristiwa itu; 2. <i>cause so. to laugh uncontrollably,i> membuat [sso] pecah perut ketawa: <i>the comic scene ~d the audience,i> adegan jenaka itu membuat penonton pecah perut ketawa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hardened | <i>adji> 1. <i> solidified,i> sudah keras: <i>~ concrete,i> konkrit yg sudah keras; 2. <i>made tough, unfeeling,i> bersikap keras; 3. <i>resolute,i> sudah teguh; 4. <i>callous,i> tdk berhati perut: <i>a ~ criminal,i> penjenayah yg tdk berhati perut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | laugh ~ to burst, ketawa pecah perut; not in a ~ state, in no ~ state, [<i>various translationsi>]: <i>after two hours of drinking he was in no ~ state to drive the car,i> selepas minum-minum selama dua jam, dia begitu mabuk hingga tdk dapat memandu kereta; <i>you’re in no ~ state to work,i> balik sajalah. Dlm keadaan begini kamu tdk boleh bekerja; /see, think /~, (<i>to do sti>), a. <i>consider appropriate,i> menganggap wajar: <i>he was allowed to spend the money as he thought ~,i> dia dibenarkan membelanjakan wang tersebut sebagaimana dianggapnya wajar; b. <i>decide,i> membuat keputusan, memutuskan: <i>he saw ~ to ignore the question,i> dia membuat keputusan utk tdk mengendahkan soalan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convulsion | <i>ni> 1. (<i>usu pli>) <i>fit,i> menggigil-gigil dan terkejang-kejang; (<i>techi>) konvulsi: <i>she was terrified when the baby started having ~s,i> dia berasa takut apabila bayi itu menggigil-gigil dan terkejang-kejang; 2. (<i>in pli>) <i>uncontrollable laughter,i> pecah perut ketawa; have so. in ~s, membuat sso pecah perut ketawa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |