extract | n 1. excerpt, petikan: he used ~s from the novel in his review, dia menggunakan petikan-petikan dr novel itu dlm ulasannya; 2. concentrated essence of a substance, pati, sari; (tech) ekstrak: beef ~, pati lembu; malt ~, ekstrak malt; ~s of barks, ekstrak kulit kayu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lard | vt 1. smear with lard, melumur dgn lemak babi; 2. (of speech and writing) membumbui: the article is ~ed with quotations, rencana itu dibumbui dgn petikan-petikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flick1 | n 1. rapid movement backwards or forewards, petik(an), memetik: with one ~ of this switch you can destroy the world, dgn sekali petik suis ini, kamu dapat menghancurkan dunia; 2. quick stroke, a. (with the fingers) jentikan; (to produce sound) petikan: a ~ of his thumb was enough to summon an army of waiters, petikan jarinya saja cukup utk membuat pelayan datang ramai-ramai; b. (with hand) kibasan; c. (with flexible object) libasan; 3. rapid jerk, sentakan: a quick ~ of his foot sent the ball into the goal, sentakan kakinya yg cepat memasukkan bola ke dlm gol; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apt | adj 1. appropriate, sesuai: an ~ quotation, petikan yg sesuai; 2. likely, besar kemungkinannya: too much ambition is ~ to cloud a person’s judgement, cita-cita yg terlalu tinggi besar kemungkinannya akan mengaburkan pertimbangan sso; she is ~ to jump to conclusions, besar kemungkinannya dia akan membuat kesimpulan dgn tergesa-gesa; 3. highly intelligent, pandai, pintar, cerdik: an ~ student, murid yg pandai; 4. quick, cepat: she is attentive and ~ to learn, dia seorang yg tekun dan cepat menangkap apa-apa yg dipelajarinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harvest | n 1. gathering of crops, a. (grains) penuaian, pengetaman, kerja-kerja /menuai, mengetam/: everyone in the village helped with the ~, setiap orang dlm kampung itu bantu-membantu dlm kerja-kerja menuai; b. (fruits, leaves) kerja-kerja memetik; 2. yield, a. (of grains), tuaian: half the rice ~ has been destroyed, separuh drpd tuaian padi itu telah musnah; b. (of fruits, leaves) petikan: a good apple ~, petikan epal yg baik; 3. season for gathering, a. (grains) musim /menuai, mengetam/; b. (fruits, leaves) musim memetik: 4. product of an effort, hasil: a search in the archives yielded a good ~ of information, penyelidikan di arkib itu membuahkan hasil maklumat yg baik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
citation | n 1. act of quoting, pemetikan, penyedutan; 2. quoted word, phrase, petikan, sedutan; 3. official commendation, kata-kata pujian; (in the form of a document) sijil penghargaan; 4. summons, saman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easy | adj 1. not difficult (to do, get, achieve, etc) mudah, senang: a passage that is ~ to understand, petikan karangan yg mudah difahami; an ~ task, kerja yg mudah; be ~ prey to, mudah menjadi mangsa kpd; he is not ~ to get on with, tdk mudah bergaul dengannya; 2. comfortable, senang: to have an ~ life, hidup senang; 3. be free from pain, lega: the patient felt ~ after the injection, pesakit itu berasa lega selepas disuntik; 4. relaxed, (of manner etc) bersahaja: gerak lakunya bersahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |