freshen | vt 1. make fresh, menyegarkan: that thunderstorm just now has really ~ed the air, ribut petir sebentar tadi telah betul-betul menyegarkan udara; 2. add to (drink) menambah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frequent | adj /kerap (kali), sering (kali), selalu/ + approp v; (attrib) kerap (kali), sering (kali), selalu; (with compar & superl) kerap, sering: thunderstorms are ~ in the area, ribut petir kerap berlaku di kawasan ini; they made~ changes to the text, mereka selalu membuat perubahan pd teks itu; her letters became more ~, suratnya makin kerap diterima; the most ~ visitor was Mr Naidhu, pengunjung yg paling kerap ialah Encik Naidhu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
about | adv 1. round, around, a. here and there, di sana-sini: there will be some thunderstorms ~ tonight, malam ini nanti akan berlaku ribut petir di sana sini; b. in various directions, ke sana sini, ke sana ke mari: the street was full of people running ~, looking for shelter, jalan itu penuh dgn orang yg berlarian ke sana sini mencari perlindungan; c. (implying aimlessness, idleness or diffuse action), [use reduplicated form of v]: I’ve been kept waiting ~ for too long!, sudah terlalu lama saya dibiarkan menunggu-nunggu saja!; 2. approximately, kira-kira, lebih kurang, sekitar: there were ~ fifty people present, ada kira-kira lima puluh orang yg hadir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
by | 12. (denoting agent responsible for or engaged in doing st) oleh, [sometimes not translated]: he was knocked down ~ a car, dia dilanggar kereta; a town surrounded ~ soldiers, bandar yg dikepung oleh askar; he was killed ~ lightning, dia mati dipanah petir; he was ordered ~ the captain to stand guard, dia diperintahkan oleh kapten utk berkawal; a poem written ~ Wordsworth, puisi yg dicipta oleh Wordsworth; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bolt2 | n 1. sliding metal bar to fasten door, gate, etc, selak; 2. metal bar or rod in lock, kancing; 3. fastening rod or screw to take a nut, bolt; 4. sliding bar in breech-loading firearm, pengancing; 5. short arrow for cross bow, anak panah; 6. flash of lightning, panahan petir; 7. roll of woven fabric, wallpaper, etc, gulung: a ~ of silk, segulung kain sutera; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |