high-octane | adj oktana tinggi: ~ petrol, petrol oktana tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | n 1. full supply, sepenuh + approp n ref to container: a ~ of tobacco, tembakau sepenuh paip; another ~ of petrol, petrol sepenuh tangki lagi; 2. earth etc used to fill cavity, bahan /tambak, timbus/; /eat, drink, etc/ o’s ~, /makan, minum, dll/ /sepuas-puasnya, sampai puas, semahu-mahunya, sekenyang-kenyangnya, sampai kenyang/; have o’s ~ of /so., st/, /muak, puas/ dgn /sso, sst/, /muak, puas/ + approp v, puas + approp adj: I’ve had my ~ of this bad weather, saya puas dgn cuaca buruk ini; I’ve had my ~ of disappointments, saya puas kecewa or saya puas mengalami kekecewaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
combustible | adj 1. capable of igniting, mudah terbakar: petrol is highly ~, petrol sangat mudah terbakar; 2. excitable, mudah teruja: a ~ nature, sifat mudah teruja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gauge | n 1. instrument of measurement, tolok: rain ~, tolok hujan; petrol ~, tolok petrol; 2. distance between rails on a railway, tolok: standard ~, tolok piawai; broad ~, tolok lebar; 3. thickness of wire or metal, tolok; 4. standard measure of weight, size, etc, tolok: the ~ of a wire, tolok sesuatu wayar; 5. criterion, measure, ukuran: the number of enquiries we have received so far can be used as a ~ of the product’s saleability, bilangan pertanyaan yg telah kami terima dapat digunakan sbg ukuran sama ada keluaran itu dapat dijual dgn mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cut | 10. dissolve, melarutkan: soap ~s grease, sabun melarutkan minyak; 11. reduce, mengurangkan: to ~ the price of petrol, mengurangkan harga petrol; to ~ travelling time by half, mengurangkan separuh waktu perjalanan; 12. cause to split along predetermined lines, mencanai, memotong: to ~ precious gems, mencanai batu permata; 13. (pack of cards) memotong; 14. omit, memotong, mengeluarkan: several paragraphs were ~ from the article, beberapa perenggan telah dipotong drpd makalah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detract | vi; ~ from, mengurangkan: high petrol consumption ~ed from the popularity of the car, penggunaan petrol yg banyak mengurangkan kepopularan kereta itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ignite | vt (with human agent) mencucuh, menyalakan; (with non-human agent) menyebabkan sst /bernyala, menyala/: his cigarette stub ~d the petrol, puntung rokoknya telah menyebabkan petrol itu menyala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
announce | vt 1. proclaim, mengumumkan: to ~ an engagement, mengumumkan pertunangan; the government ~d a 2% reduction in the price of petrol, kerajaan mengumumkan penurunan harga petrol sebanyak 2%; 2. make identity known, memberitahukan: he ~d himself as a police officer, dia memberitahukan bahawa dia adalah seorang pegawai polis; 3. make known the arrival of, mengumumkan ketibaan: Mr. and Mrs. Jones were ~d, ketibaan Encik dan Puan Jones diumumkan; 4. make known the approach of, mengumumkan (bahawa) [sst] sudah sedia: the maid came to the door to ~ dinner, pembantu rumah itu datang ke pintu utk mengumumkan makan malam sudah sedia; 5. make known through the senses, mind, menandakan: a roll of drums ~d the arrival of the king, bunyi tambur menandakan ketibaan raja itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fume | n (usu in pl), a. (pungent, toxic vapour or gas) wasap; b. (pungent, toxic smoke) wasap; (pop.) asap: petrol ~s pollute the air, wasap petrol mencemari udara; a fireman was overcome by ~s from the fire, seorang ahli bomba pengsan akibat tdk tahan dgn asap kebakaran itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | d. barely, [various translations]: we’ve ~ about enough petrol to get home, minyak kita cukup-cukup utk sampai ke rumah; I was ~ about able to understand, saya hampir-hampir tdk mengerti; ~ about enough of, sudah tdk tahan (lagi): I’ve had ~ about enough of your whining, saya sudah tdk tahan lagi mendengar rengekmu; ~ /after, before/, (in relation to time), [various translations]: ~ after the eight o’clock news, sejurus selepas berita pukul lapan; he died ~ after the war, dia meninggal dunia tdk lama selepas perang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |